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Louis lets out another deep sigh and kicks the table leg. He's been in a funky mood all day. It's the day after Christmas and he has an acing hole in his chest where his heart should be.
"What's the matter, sweetheart?" Jay asks.

Louis gets an idea and lights up.
"Should we all go away at Christmas with H and Anne, as I might miss him?"

Jay tries to hide her amusement.
"You might miss him?"

"Fine! I miss him terribly. Please mum! Let's go somewhere with them." Louis pleads.

"You saw him two days ago." Jay smiles.

"I'm used to seeing him all the time. Don't make me beg mum!" Louis huffs.

"I'll call Anne and invite them here. We're so many in this household Lou. Vacations need to be planned and saved up for." Jay answers.

Louis jumps up and down in excitement.
"Yes! Invite them over. I call H right away. Thanks, mum, I love you!"

"They might already have plans sweetie." Jay tries to warn him but Louis is already on his way to his room.

Jay calls Anne right away.
"Hi Anne, this is Jay. Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas." Anne answers.

"So I was wondering if you and your family would like to come to visit us? Louis really misses Harry and I would be delighted to have you all over." Jay says.

"Oh thank God. Harry has been moping around since he came home. He really misses Louis as well. We would love to come. Tomorrow?" Anne says with a light laugh.

In the meantime, Louis has reached his bedroom and closes the door behind him before he picks up his phone. Harry answers on the second ring.

"Hi, baby." Louis says softly and a smile spreads over his face from just the sound of Harry's voice.

"I miss you." Harry whines and Louis's heart beats extra fast.

"I miss you too. That's why me mum is calling your mum right now to invite you over." Louis informs him.

"Really? That's awesome. Oh God, I hope my mum says yes otherwise I will nag until she does." Harry says, sounding excited.

There's a knock on Harry's bedroom door and Anne pokes her head inside.
"What do you say about going to Doncaster tomorrow?"

Harry lets out a happy squeal and Louis removes the phone from his ear briefly, sure that he's going deaf from the sound but his stomach erupts into butterflies nevertheless.
"Lou! We're coming to Doncaster tomorrow." Harry squeals again.

"I can't wait. I'll see you tomorrow then. Love you." Louis answers.

"Me too." Harry answers before he hangs up and Louis figures that Anne was still in the room.

Harry wakes up really early the next morning and hops in the shower. He's ready to leave at seven but his mum takes her time. After he almost pushes her out the door they finally leave at eight and Harry has a hard time sitting still. He's so excited to see Louis. They arrive two hours later and Harry immediately jumps out of the car as soon as Anne has parked on the driveway. Louis comes running out of the house with a happy smile and Jay is right behind him.

"Boobear!" Harry shouts and throws himself in Louis's arms.

"Hi, baby." Louis answers and hugs him tightly.

They breathe in each other's scents with their noses in each other's necks and they just stand there, totally oblivious of the world around them.

Jay approaches Anne who has stepped out of the car and welcomes her. They both look at their sons.
"Wait, is Harry an Omega?" Jay asks in surprise. She got a sniff of his scent when she walked past them.

"Yes." Anne confirms. Harry might have signed a contract but she hasn't.

Jay looks at the boys again who are still hugging. She grabs Anne's arm when she realizes something.
"Anne, I think our sons might be soulmates."

"I think so too but they're the only ones who know that for sure." Anne smiles.

"That explains Louis's behavior. No wonder he missed Harry so much. This is amazing. Harry is such a wonderful boy. I'm so happy for them." Jay says with a big smile and hugs Anne.

"I feel the same way about Louis. Harry is lucky to have found him even if they're still young." Anne replies and hugs her back.

"What are the two of you gossiping about?" Louis's voice is heard.

They look over at the boys. They have stopped hugging but they're clinging to each other like they're afraid that the other one will disappear if they let go for a second. Both Jay and Anne smile at them.
"Nothing, I was just welcoming Anne." Jay says.

"We'll be in my room." Louis says and pulls Harry with him and they both giggle.

Their mums watch them leave. Jay looks concerned.
"I was planning on putting them in Louis's room together. Is that a good idea?"

"They spend 24 hours together when they're on tour and they share a flat. If you're concerned that they're ehm, doing something, I think it's too late to worry about that." Anne chuckles.

Jay stares at the boys as they enter the house.
"I don't know about that. They have that honeymoon phase glow over them. I think they just confessed their feelings but what do I know? Let me help you with your bags. Come on." Jay smiles.

They walk inside and Jay puts on a pot of Tea. They sit down at the kitchen table to chat. In the meantime, Harry and Louis have taken a horizontal position on Louis's bed. Harry is resting his head on Louis's chest with his arm around his torso.
"You smell lovely, like flowers." Louis says softly.

"I'm glad that I don't have to wear that Alpha Booster when I'm with you." Harry answers and looks up at him with a smile.

Louis caresses his cheek with his fingertips and stares deeply into his eyes before he leans in to kiss him.
"Me too." He whispers before he gently presses his lips against Harrys.

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