Chapter 16

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"Hello Camila, how are you today?" The psychiatrist walked into the room that resembled a library. There was one of the day beds in a greenish-brown color, and a small leather couch of matching appearance and then a huge oak desk with a big leather chair. The room was welcoming and warm, but Camila knew why she was here. They were going to tell her that she was crazy and was never going to regain the lost memories. She sat patiently on the day bed and folded her arms in her lap.

"Okay I guess." She responded with a small smile. She couldn't even open up to her friends yet let alone a complete stranger that was going to make her talk. She didn't see how this was going to help anything.He was going to question her on things that she didn't remember, and then someway, somehow was going to try to get her to remember the times that got deleted from her brain. None of this made sense, if someone lost their memory, isn't it lost for good? Camila was skeptic of their antics.

"So, I hear that you had an accident." The doctor sat down at the desk and opened the manila folder that held what she guessed was her file. He lowered the glasses that were on his head and read over the papers. "How are you feeling now? Better… Worse?"

Camila crossed her legs and looked at the older man at the desk. She wondered how a person would get paid to do the impossible, find a lost memory. "I guess better, I'm confused a lot when people tell me something that I should know but don't. I'm a little forgetful, but other than that I'm fine. All of the cuts and bruises are healed." She explained and looked back at her folded hands.

"Well that's good to hear. Okay, I want you to do something for me." He took the glasses off of his face and stood up. He walked slowly towards the small leather loveseat that was by the daybed and sat down with a clip board and a pen.

"Alright." She was hesitant, but figured that she would go along with it for now. She was willing to try anything to get closer on what she was forgetting.

"I want you to lie down on your back and close your eyes." Camila did as she was told and laid back on the daybed. She was glad that she wore shorts and a shirt instead of a dress like she was originally going to. "Alright Camila, what is the farthest back memory that you can remember. It can be after the accident if that is as far back as you can remember or it could be before if you can remember that."

Camila thought about this for a while. She could vividly see some things in particular like meeting her best friends Normani and Ally and other things like the massive birthday party that she had when she was 8. It was a princess party and everyone had to dress up as a princess. She was of course Sleeping Beauty because she wanted her own Prince Charming to come and kiss her to wake her up.

She smiled a little while her eyes were still closed remembering that that was the party that Ally decided that she was going to get a boyfriend, and the first guy that she saw was Camila’s cousin from Texas, Troy .

"I don't want to interfere with your thoughts, but would you mind vocalizing what you are seeing. This needs to be a process where I can hear you and help you navigate through these memories." The doctor said and Camila opened her eyes to look at him. He was biting the end to the pen and looking at Camila intently.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Camila smiled apologetically a little and then laid her head back again and stared at the ceiling. The turning fan seemed to be more interesting that what she saw in her head.

"So, what were you thinking about when you started to smile before?" He asked and opened his pen ready to take notes. Camila didn't exactly feel comfortable spilling out her guts to this guy. Sure he was one of the best mental analysis doctors around, but he wasn't close to her. She had never let people in easily, but she had to do this for her mother and her father and sister.

Camila closed her eyes again but was shocked by what she saw. There was a pair of the most piercing green eyes that she had ever seen, and had a gut feeling that she had seen them before, but couldn't match them to anyone. She opened her eyes again and continued to look at the ceiling confused.

"Well, I was just thinking about my sixth birthday party and how at that party my best friend Ally decided that she wanted to date my cousin." Camila said quietly and nervously before glancing down to her folded hands.

"Can you remember anything else from when you were younger? For instance, do you remember what you used to watch on TV?" Camila closed her eyes again and thought back to her childhood.

"Well every Saturday morning, my baby sister and I got up at eight o'clock to watch the morning cartoons. We watched Pokemon and all of the other silly little things." Camila smiled again at the vision of her and Sofi in footie pajamas watching TV with a big bowl of fruit loops. Maybe this therapy thing wasn't going to be as bad as she thought it would be.


"Well, Camila seems to be clear on what happened way before the accident, when she was younger, but things seem to become fuzzy around when she entered her high school years. Were there any drastic changes in what she did, or who she met at that time?" Sinuhe lowered her head into her hands. She could not believe this, that was when she met Lauren.

"Yes there was, Camila met Lauren in high school." Sinuhe sighed and felt a couple tears slid down her cheeks. She could not believe that this was happening to her daughter and the girl that she loved since she was in high school.

"That's weird; she never mentioned anything about a Lauren. Who is she?" The doctor asked intrigued by her Sinuhe's change in demeanor. Sinuhe wiped her eyes and looked up at the doctor.

"That's because Camila can't remember her. Lauren is her fiancée; they were so in love and almost inseparable from the moment that they met. I cannot believe that this is happening to my baby." Sinuhe let more tears fall from her red swollen eyes as the doctor wrote things down on her notepad. He made a note to bring up Lauren in their next session. Little did he know, that that was not a very good idea. It was a sensitive subject with her and was wisely avoided.

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