Table talk?

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* This is happening at the same time as Ron and Hermione are talking upstairs

Ginny was still doubled over laughing, tears coming out of her eyes as she tried to steady her breath and stop laughing but just as soon as she calmed down she'd start up again.

"This explains a lot about Lily..." Albus muttered. They had left Ron and Hermione and were now filing into the kitchen since Mrs. Weasley didn't know what to do and when Molly doesn't know what to do, she cooks. Food always brought her family together. Sometimes it was the only thing to get them up(well at least the only thing to get Ron up.)

She smiled uncertainly. This was such an odd experience. Time turners shouldn't go back this far should they? I mean they were just teenagers, some younger than Ginny but Ginny could certainly fight so who's to say these children aren't future death eaters. Then they always could have used polyjuice potion... it would be better if Mad-Eye were still around... constant diligence... Molly wiped a lost tear from her eye. She shouldn't cry she told herself. These kids looked way too much like their parents and knew way too much about them not to be related. Besides all they were doing was telling stories and jokes and Arthur had their wands...

The thoughts left Molly as she contented herself watching her children and grandchildren eating. Arthur however wasn't content and on high alert. Remus was as well but his wife certainly wasn't. She wanted to hear all about her little boy. She asked how she was as a mother and he  hesitantly answered she was the best mother... it wasn't totally a lie, Teddy told himself, she died to protect his future and left him in the charge of her kind, capable mother and Harry who was one of the best godfathers in the world, taking Teddy in as one of the family.

"Okay, I need all the info on you and your brother!" Ginny said to Rose in between giggles.

"What about us mum? We're your own children!" James said in mock protest.

"I already know you're a troublemaker so I'd shut it if I were you... Now, Rose... that's your name right?" Rose nodded. "A whole lot of us have various bets involving your parents' relationship so you have to give us details so that Fred is forced to pay up."

"Um... what kind of bets have you made on our parents?" Hugo asked confusedly. I mean did they seriously have nothing better to do then meddle in the love lives of two seventeen year olds... wasn't a war going on?

"Well I said they'd get engaged soon after Harry..." she blushed a bit, "gets married since Ron would be too thick to think of marriage before then. Mum however says he'd be before Harry since as soon as he's worked up the nerve and gotten 'Mione he'd want to make sure he'd never lose her."

"Then Ginny also thinks he wouldn't go down on one knee but would be so awkward he'd be sputtering out a joke then try the words but fail and Hermione would save him by just nodding. I however have more faith in my bloke of a brother and think he'd at least get the kneeling part right... at least I think he would." Fred finished. The kids started laughing.

"Also when's their first kiss?!" Ginny asked excitedly.

"Gin! Don't you think that's a bit personal?"

"Oh shut up, Harry! If they told their kids and nieces and nephews they wouldn't mind telling us. Besides me and Hermione have no secrets!" Ginny turned back to the kids.

"Why does that scare me?" Harry muttered sarcastically as everyone who heard chuckled.

"Ok well their first kiss is-"

"Hugo! Space-time continuum! Ring a bell!?"

"Oh bug off Rosiedora" Albus said knowing it'd annoy her.

"My name's not Rosiedora! It's Rose Nymphadora Weasley!"

"Well Scorp calls you that..." Albus said with a smirk as his cousin seethed at him. No one had heard though because they looked to Tonks who looked both honored and disgusted.

"You're named after me?" She asked.

"Well... yeah. Mum and dad thought you were such a capable, strong, brave... clumsy woman and they always said they wanted me to emulate that... so yeah."

"I need to have a serious talk with your mother. How could she be so mean as to give her only daughter the middle name of Nymphadora!?" Lupin laughed a bit and his wife turned a look his way. "I mean I'm honored but still such a terrible name... may I suggest Rose Tonks... or better yet Rose Molly after your grandmother."

"Molly's already taken." Dominique cut in.

"By who?"

"Uncle Percy and Aunt Audrey's daughter, Molly." Louis commented. Mrs. Weasley had a shattered smile on her face. Her Percy names his daughter... after her. "She has a twin sister, Lucy. Molly is quiet and wears glasses like her dad and Lu is well..."

"The exact opposite." Lily finished. "But she's one of my best friends. She and Molly are two years younger than me and Hugo so they're the youngest of us Weasleys."

"Not anymore."

"Hugo!" Rose slapped his hand.

"What?" Mrs. Weasley asked as she finally sat down after putting out the food.

"It's just... well mum's pregnant again." (*Ik this isn't anywhere near canon but well I want them to have a third kid so) Hugo finished as James dropped his glass of orange juice, Dominique's jaw dropped and Lily smiled. Everyone seemed frozen but something cut through it, Hermione's voice.

"I... I... I have three kids?" Ron turned white again and the only thing seeming to keep him up was the warmth of Hermione's hand in his though that was slowly draining as she froze too.


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