The one where Author talks to Wade

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Before Y'all kill me, I'd just like to say that I fell out of the fandom for a while. And... Well, I'd rather write when I actually have ideas to write rather than force it. It usually doesn't turn out well.

So, uh, bold is Yellow box
White box is underlined and this {} is me


Ok, here's the thing, the school that he goes to, that is, this stupid, stupid school in Northern Westchester isn't…. Well Firstly he's very very far away from his baby boy so they can't meet regularly. Which, you know, booooooo. But also his school is and he can't stress this enough, shady as all fuck.

*Like us?*

*Well, yes, but…*

East-West high was a fine example of American education system. Or well, the heavily embellished media version of it. There are 'jocks' who are dating 'cheerleaders' and bullying 'nerds' and asking for lunch money. Fucking Cliché is what it should have been called but some old dead fuck decided on East-West.


It's fine. He's fine.

*Is he being passive aggressive cause dickbag no.14 pushed him earlier?*

*Yeah no duh*

But Wade will not blow up. He won't, because the school might be shady but it was the perfect kind of place for someone of his track record to be , what was the Pirate king called it? Rehabilitated. So yeah, school may be shady as fuck but no one questions a transfer senior or the fact that he looked like a walkng acne culture. Well they question, just not in the ' I'm curious about why you have scars' way, more ' I'm gonna poke and prod at you until you feel like shit about your non-existent looks' way.

Which is whatever. Really. Who cares if Jessie said she feels like vomiting when she looks at him? He feels the same way about her cheers attempts.

And what if the teachers are sometimes blinder than fucking Daredevil and only notice things when Wade starts to retaliate, he is a dangerous person, and chances are he's more capable of killing them than them adding a scar or two.

(He won't kill them.

He will not kill them.

Peter believes in him, and he'd be so disappointed. And that's just unacceptable. )

*Glad to see that he at least has his priorities in order i guess*

The point! The point he's trying to make with this-

*Do you actually have one?*

Shut the fuck up yellow.


The point he's trying to make with this; there is, under no circumstances any way that their shithole of a school met any requirements that are needed to tour the SI tower. And he would know, he goes there every weekend and he got banned from at least half the labs.

So yeah, no way in hell they got in on their own.

*Hate to say it but he's got a point.*

Thank you! See that's how you become encouraging yellow.

Anyway, Wade takes out his phone and texts his most likely culprits,

PPPS (younguns)

wadepool : alright fess up, which one of you did this?

MicheleWithAJ : ???

chairyguy : did what?

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