The Trophy

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Morning came as the sun shined brightly on the two hunters, they spent the day exploring the grounds they were on when there attention was pulled to the sound of arguing. The two cloaked themselves to check the commotion, there they saw the gang yelling at a boy in red.

 The two cloaked themselves to check the commotion, there they saw the gang yelling at a boy in red

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Aang: No way we can trust you after everything you've done, We'll never let you join us!

Katara: You need to get out of here, Now!

The warriors watched the scene with interest. The boy in red was obviously their enemy, so what was he doing? Turning him over to the group? That possibility became more likely when he kneeled and offered his wrists to them.

Zuko: Maybe you'll accept me as a prisoner.

Brielle growled at how pathetic he was, he should at least have the dignity to look them in the eye when he surrendered his honor to them.

Katara wound up, and with one gesture a wave of rushing water came from a small pack on her back and collided full frontal with Zuko. Wolf zoomed in on her, her eyes were burning with fury and pain; the kind of glare one takes after being betrayed. He knew it well, he saw that look whenever he saw a particular someone from his past.

In any case Zuko was outright rejected, stalking away, his soggy clothes leaving a trail behind him as he left. The tension was palpable, even from where the hunters were. They sat down and
de-cloaked, the shadows would be their cloak now, their reach extending as the burning sun set on the horizon. Wolf purred to himself as Brielle watched the group talk amongst themselves, the light slowly fading from the horizon, they settled in for the long wait till dawn.

Perhaps more of these elemental powers would present itself then.

The morning started rather early for the two, they stood and purred, zooming in on the camp. The gang was moving around, as if searching for something. Brielle did a quick head-count to make sure all of the possible threats had been located.

All were accounted for but one: Toph, Brielle switched to thermal and looked around hurriedly. She wasn't sure what it was, but something about that kid told her instincts to keep an eye on her. Common sense said that she couldn't be that tough, but a true hunter never underestimates its prey.

It's led to more downfalls than anything else.

Finally, a small, orange-red blip appeared, deep in the bedrock. The girl was tunneling her way toward the group, actually bending the earth around her as she made her way to the group. Sure enough, she dug her way out, and the three from earlier went over to her. From what Brielle could hear, she had gone to see Zuko, and gotten burned for her troubles. Perhaps his element was fire, just as hers was earth, and Katara's was water.

Aang & Sokka lifted her over to a pool of water nearby. Wolf & Brielle watched them carefully, they felt that they were missing something. Something of great importance...

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