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Zuko: I'm telling you, another one of these Shadow Bender's was with her, but it had this yellow skin and sharp black nails!

Sokka: So what, was that like the adult or something!?

Toph: I don't know, but the smaller one dropped me as soon as I opened my eyes.

Katara: Maybe she was just surprised to see that you were blind.

Sokka: She?

Katara: Well I'm pretty sure she's a girl.

Aang: In any case they're dangerous, so let's all stay on high alert.

Toph: *points her finger towards the entrance* Their Back!

The gang quickly turned to the entrance to see no one there.

Toph: That's what it'll sound like when you guys see them.

Brielle decided to go spy on Team Avatar without Wolf, when she got there she noticed Aang & Zuko were missing. She growled to herself as she headed back to her camp ground to find Wolf with the carcass of some Moose/Lion fusion, Wolf held the carved skull of the beast.

Wolf: I figured food would be important.

Few minutes later the two were sitting on the ground feasting on the beasts flesh, Brielle couldn't help but imagine the relationship between this planet and earths.

Brielle: Hey Wolf, ever get the idea that maybe these Benders were created by the Engineers?

Wolf: What gives you that idea?

Brielle: Well we know that the earth's humans were created by the engineers, and this planet has similar humans along with fusions of the earths animals. So It would only make sense if this planet of sorcerers was one of their experiments.

Wolf: Yautja Prime has long suspected that this planet was given civilization by the Engineers, I believe it myself. But with all the knowledge we have, we can only assume their kind is extinct.

Brielle: They were so smart they thought they could play god, and that lead to their destruction.

Wolf: So how's your food?

Brielle: Stringy, but I'll live. I don't need to get the best meat on this planet.

Wolf: Just asking.

Brielle: So how are we going to avoid that girl, she could somehow see me despite her blank eyes.

Wolf: Well on one planet the entire civilization has based underground, as the surface had been irradiated, polluted, and utterly ruined due to the star they were orbiting. The entire race was blind, but managed to see through vibrations. Perhaps the girl developed a similar tactic.

Brielle: So we just stay off the ground and we're safe.

Wolf: Theoretically yes.

Brielle smiled to herself and stood up.

Brielle: why don't we test that theory.

The two were cloaked and hanging from a vine, and as they guessed it Toph couldn't see them. They were above Zuko & Sokka talking amongst themselves.

Sokka: It's my dad, he was captured to. I need to know what I put him through.

Zuko: it's not good Sokka.

Sokka: Please.

Zuko: My guess is they were taken to the Boiling Rock.

Sokka: What's that?

Zuko: The highest-security prison in the Fire Nation.

The two hunters got an idea, what else would be a better hunting ground for two fugitives?

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