s. todoroki | fluff?

430 21 7


[ ꕥ SUMMARY ꕥ ]

A curious Shoto Todoroki seems to have found a temporary fix for a longing scar he's always despised.

[ ꕥꕥꕥ ]

   He wandered around your dorm room, patiently waiting for you to finish showering before the two of you could start your planned movie night.

   He grazed his hands on a desk he approached, one with a mirror that set upon the middle with stacks of makeup circling around it.

   The boy's heterochromatic eyes observed every tube, every palette, every brush, until he reached a certain skin-toned "bottle", is what he thought, that stood in the middle.

   He picked it up, it looked familiar.

   "Is this paint?"

   But then he remembered, you'd use something similar on your face, although this one didn't really look as if it was yours, in terms of color at least.

   He stared at the label, "Foundation"

   He took a glance in the mirror, his fingers trailing up at a certain spot around his left eye, one tinted with a warm hue.

   He looked back down on the table, grabbing a brush that he thought was in a suited-enough shape to work.

   Squeezing down the pump of the bottle he let it gently pour out on the side of his hand.

   'This is how she does/ he does/ they do it, right?' The boy questioned himself.

   He landed the soft bristles on the firm liquid, pressing it ever so lightly as he stared once again at the mirror.

   He placed the brush beneath his eye as the boy began spreading the foundation atop his scar as if he were painting on a canvas.

   Soft strokes, the mark slowly no longer remained on his face beneath the layer of the tinted fluid.

   He dipped the brush once more as he ringed it around his eye, focusing intently on each move until,

   "Shoto, what are you doing?"

   The boy flinched, poking himself by accident with the hairs on the tip of the fluffy whisks.


   You approached him, noticing the opened bottle laying against the table and the brush gripped in his hand, your eyes trailed to his face, and noticed,

   "Your scar...did you?"

   You grazed against his skin, feeling the cool sensation against it as a mark embedded on the ring of your thumb, a small dent appearing below his eye as the shade of red shined through.

   You sighed, grabbing a makeup wipe from your desk as you caressed it against his skin.

   "Why'd you do that?"

   The boy let out a soft grunt, his brows sinking.

   "I know you don't really like your scar, but how many times do I have to tell you,"

   Wiping away every last bit of makeup on his face, you leaned in, the boy's orbs squinting shut.

   Your lips placed a soft, gentle kiss beneath his eye, kissing a spot in his scar as the boy's brows twitched from the sudden sensation.

   You backed away, staring into his orbs that soon revealed themselves with a flutter of his eyelids.

   "You're beautiful, even if that mark that's a part of you lets you think back on ugly memories,"

   "Take it as a sign of your strength, alright?"

   You sighed, "And jeez now I have to buy another bottle for Uraraka,"

   The boy blinked, "Uraraka? It was for her?" His head turned to the side, "...Sorry,"

   "No, no, it's alright I swear." You gave him a smile.

   "I didn't know people liked painting their faces..."

   "I'm sorry what—"

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