Chapter 4

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After their encounter at the park. Taehyung and Armie became a close friend. They always hangout together or sometimes with Jimin.

Taehyung find Armie fun to be with, she's so down to earth and bubbly. She reminds him of his bestfriend Miemie. Tae always forget his still mourning his m0thers death when they are together.

While Armie fall for Taehyung even m0re. They click together, found that they have so much similarities in hobbies and fo0ds.

While Taehyung and Armie are chilling at the park eating their favorite icecream.

" what happen to your face Taetae??" the bruise on Taehyung's face caught Armie's attention.

" well.. my father decided to show himself at home yesterday.. and after he saw me.. he just slapped me really hard that my beautiful face got bruises.. dont worry im used to it.. " Taehyung said like its n0rmal event for him.

" your dad still dont accept you being gay?? " Armie poke Taehyung's bruised cheek.

" yah.. it hurts.." Taehyung slap Armie's hand. " he never love me.. so how would he accept me.. what others would say is more important to him than his own son's happiness.."

" were on the same shoe.. my m0ther are so busy with her new family to n0tice me.. after my father died i was brought to an orphanage.. " Armie wipe her lips.

" then she got me from there and bring to her new home.. my stepfather and my siblings are nice.. i just felt out of place when were together.. i think we should date.. maybe your father would love you and me i could-- "

Taehyung choke on the ice cream he was eating after hearing Armie's suggestion. " what?? im still on my right mind to do what your saying.. im n0t dating you.. and thats final.."

Armie pout at him " dont you find me beautiful?? why cant you love me?? "

Taehyung look at her like she's grown two heads " you kn0w why.. i love boys and n0t girls.. its true that i love your company.. but still we cant.. "

Armie pout even m0re but you can see the determination she has on her eyes. " i wont give up.. you will love me.. "

Five days after their coversation on the park Tae got a little anxious on why Armie never show herself to him. He was worried that Armie got upset at him. He got afraid to lose her like what happen to him when he was a child, Miemie left him.

Taehyung was locking himself in his room because he dont want to see his father who was watching tv in their living ro0m. His father decided to show himself yesterday and give him a punch on his stomach as a greeting.

Minho open the door when he heared a knock on the door and he was surprise to see a beautiful girl standing there with a bouquet of roses and a paper bag on her hand.

" what a beautiful lady like you doing here?? " Minho ask her.

Armie widen her eyes after seeing Minho but immidiately back it to n0rmal and try to ignore the sudden urge to ask more about them " im Armie sir.. im here for Taehyung.. " Armie bow to him.

" oh.. are you his girlfriend?? i knew it my son would realize he is n0t a gay.. come in.. feel at home.. im just going to call him.." Minho open the door wider for her.

Minho smiled at her before he went upstair to call Taehyung. He kn0ck on the door " Tae.. son.. your girlfriend are here to see you.. "

Taehyung fell on the bed when he heared what his father said. He immidiately open the door when he heared the second call of his father.

" go down and entertain your girlfriend there.." Minho ordered Taehyung after he open the door.

When Taehyung saw Armie he frowned at what she's holding. Armie got up from the couch after seeing Taehyung.

She gave the bouquet of flowers to Taehyung who widen his eyes
" for me??? are you sure its for me?? but why?? "

" i told i will do everything to make you love me.." Armie smirk at him and face Taehyung's father " here sir i brought you something.. hope you like it.." Armie held the paper bag to Minho.

Minho smile at her sweetly " you dont have to call me sir.. just call me dad from now on.. i will let the two of you talk in private.." he left the house after putting Armie's gift on his room.

When Minho close the do0r Taehyung face Armie " what do you think your doing?? i told we cant be together.. here take back your flowers.. " Tae put the flowers on Armie's lap who blink her eyes to prevent the tears from falling.

Armie hold taehyung hand " why cant you give me a chance atleast?? please im begging you.. if.. if we really dont go well then fine.. i'll stop.. i wont bother you again.."

Armie decided not to ask him the question she want to ask after seeing Minho. There will be a right time for it, for n0w she will gain his love on her own without the help of the past.

" i wont lose you again.. n0t this time my baby tiger.. " Armie thought to herself.

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