Chapter 8

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Exactly one m0nth after their wedding, Taehyung exicitedly went home. He bought Armie a rose and small box of cake, which is Armie's favorite.

" Armie.. " Taehyung call his wife when he didn't see her in their living. Armie always watch tv when he gets home.

Taehyung went to their kitchen to put the cake and the flower on the table. He went to their room thinking she might be there sleeping with their son.

When he's at work Jimin and Yoongi or sometimes Jungkook slept there to watch Armie and Taemin. But they leave early to their work so when Taehyung got home they are n0t there anymore. While Taehyung's father went home weekly due to his field of work.

He peak at their room, he dont want to disturb his wife but he widen his eyes when he saw Armie clutching her chest crying while trying to get her phone that she accidentally drop on the floor when she try to call for help.

Taehyung run to Armie's side
" Armie.!! please be ok.. i will call for help.. " Tae immidiately call the nearest hospital. He also call a friend to look for Taemin while they are out.

When they arrive, she was immidiately brought to the emergency room.

After 20minutes doctor Kim Seokjin went out and look Taehyung with a sad face " Mr Kim.. im sorry but Mrs Kim Armie wont make it.. were giving her a day or two.. im really sorry.. i did everything i could.. we already put her on a room.. you can see her.." Doctor Seokjin pats Taehyung shoulder.

Taehyung expected it, he make himself ready for this before they got married. Everyday he was afraid to sleep, he was afraid that when he wake up Armie will be gone forever.

And now the doctor said it himself, he cant do anything and it hurts so bad seeing your love one suffering and all he can do is watch her suffer in pain.

Taehyung went to her room and he saw her laying in the bed lo0king so lifeless. He move to her side and hold her hand.

" love.. " Taehyung softly call her.

Armie slowly open her eyes and lo0k to her side where Taehyung is sitting. She smile at him and Taehyung kiss her forehead.

" T-Tae.. i-im s-so-sorry.. did i s-scare y-you again?? "

" no.. love.. dont say sorry.. its not your fault.. " Taehyung tried to stop his tears from falling.

" y-you know t-that i-i love you r-right.. " Taehyung nod and look on their hands so Armie wont see his tears.

" i-i dont w-want to l-leave y-you and Taemin.. " Armie's voice almost inaudible but Taehyung hear it. " but im t-tired T-tae.."

He snap his head to Armie " love dont worry about us.. i-if your-- "

" c-can i-i sleep already?? " Tae cant help it, he broke down crying. He cant hide his tears anymore.

He never prayed, he never ask god for anything. But n0w he will ask, he will pray, he will beg to give him more time to be with her. Maybe he prepare his heart and mind for this moment but now that its really happening he dont kn0w what to do.. It hurts..

Its feels like he's suffocating, he can't breath properly, it feels like his heart is being rip apart from his chest. Feels like his heart was stab a million times. The kind of feeling he doesnt want to feel anymore.

" T-Tae.. " Armie's soft voice snap him out of his thoughts.

" y-yes?? " his voice broke.

Armie sadly smile at him, she cup his cheeks and wipe his tears with her thumb. " t-thank y-you for b-being my g-gay husband.. i-i l-love you s-so m-much.. s-sorry i-i c-cant keep my p-promise anymore.. i c-cant be with y-you forever.. "

Tae lean on her touch while closing his eyes and let his tears fall freely. " you d-dont have to thank m-me.. i should be the one to thank you" Tae smile at her " you give meaning to my life.. my father accepted me because of you.. you gave the best gift to me ever.. its our prince Taemin.. "

Tae lay beside Armie on the hospital bed. They cuddle for the last time, Taehyung hug her so close to his body, never wanting to let go. Armie snuggle on Taehyungs neck inhaling his scent m0re before she sleep.

Taehyung silently cried while hugging Armie " good night Armie.."

" hmm.. n-night.. T-Tae.."

And then Armie's hand fall from Taehyung's side. Taehyung stop breathing for a moment, his mind stop working. He was in a daze, he's n0t even blinking, he was shock and dont kn0w what to feel.

He was snap back to reality when doctor Seokjin barge in with a nurse. Thats when he heared the beeping sound of a machine indicating Armie's heart stop beating.

And when he look at it he saw the flat line in the m0nitor. He look at Armie's lifeless body and then he realize Armie left him forever.

" mr Kim please move aside, we will try to revive him,, " the nurse told him and he just nod at her.

He saw how they put the reviving machine on her chest trying to get her back. He saw how Armie's body go up and down by the shock thats the machine gave to her body.

After 4 times of trying, the doctor announce the time of her death. Taehyung fall on his knees crying his heart out, calling Armie's name.

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