Chapter 9

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After Armie's death, Taehyung stop working for a while. He want to focus on taking care of Taemin. He still has saving that can support them in the next few m0nths.

His father still working to help them, he just dont kn0w how to express it but he love Taehyung and his grandson Taemin. He doesn't care anym0re if his son is gay, he will always be there for them.

Taehyung put Taemin on his crib when he fell asleep on his arms. He decided to clean and put Armie's things in a box. He start with her clothes, he hug the dress he gave her on their dinner date. He start crying when he smell Armie's scent on the dress.

He calm himself and start putting all the clothes in a box when an old picture fell from the pile of her clothes. Taehyung tilt his head to the side and pick it up, he widen his eyes when he saw two child on the picture, a boy and a girl.

He put his hand on his mouth to muffle his cries after realising it was him and Miemie whose on the picture. It was taken when they attend a birthday party of one of their neighbors. He look at the back of it and saw
" Miemie heart Baby tiger ".

That's why he felt comfortable with Armie and she reminds him of Miemie because its her. Does she kn0w that him and baby tiger is the same person?? Thats the question he could never get the answer.

Taehyung broke down crying, he never realize that the person he's searching is just infront of him, sleeping beside him. He never got a chance to tell her how much he miss her when she left him when he was 5. He never got a chance to tell her how much he love her from the first time they play together.

Jimin was shock to kn0w that the person his cousin talk about is Taehyung. "what a small world.." thats the only words left Jimin's mouth after kn0wing their story.

He called Jimin to look after Taemin, he just want to visit Armie in the cementery and told her that he kn0ws everything. Jimin confirm what Taehyung have said he said that Armie always talk about baby tiger when they are still a kid.

When he get there the tears starts to fall after seeing Armie's grave. He sit beside it and lighten the scented candles he brought with him. He also brings Armie's favorite flower, white rose.

" hi love.. i miss you already.. you know what.. your so unfair.. why didn't you tell me your my long lost bestfriend Miemie.. " Taehyung trace Armie's name.

Taehyung got stratle by the sudden ring on his phone. " Jiminie whats wrong?? "

" Taetae.. Mrs Park is here.. he want to get Taemin.. " Jimin's voice is wavering. He kn0w something is wrong. " im n0t yet opening the door.. im scared Taetae.. she has minions with her.. i think she would force to enter and get Taemin.. "

Taehyung got up and start walking the way out there to go home
" Jiminie please.. dont let her near Taemin.. im coming.. just wait for me.. "

" dont worry Taetae.. i wont let her.. i already called Yoongi and Jungkook.. " Taehyung can heared the banging and the shout in the background.

He got nervous n0t just for Taemin but also in Jimin's safety. He hurriedly went home and when he got their the sight he saw was insane, Jimin on the floor blo0d on the lips. Taemin was on Mrs Park arms crying.

On the other side, he saw Yoongi struggling in a bulky man's grip when suddenly another man pointed a gun on Yoongi "stop.!!" he heared Jimins shout and then Taehyung attack the man holding the gun.

Taehyung and the man fight to get a hold in the gun when suddenly the trigger was pull and resonates the sound in the whole house. Taehyung fall in his knees holding his blo0dy stomach.

" Taehyung.!! " Jimin rush to his side putting pressure on his wound to stop its bleeding.

" thats what you get if you stand in my way.. you already snatch my daughter away from me.. and n0w im going to get my daughters son fr0m you.. he wont have a better life if he would grow in your care.."

Mrs Park walk closer to him, crouch down a little " dont you ever dare go to the police.. i can kill you all.. and for sure they wont believe you.. you dont have a proof that i use some force to get him.. a lowkey like you dont have any chance to beat a rich person like me just in case you brought this up in legal action.. so just do me a favor and dont show your face to us.. disgusting faggot.. i would never ever.. let anyone like you in my family.."

Mrs Park spat at him and walk away with her minions who gave Yoongi and Jimin both a hard punch in their face. Taehyung didnt get the chance to hold his son and he lost his consiousness. Yoongi call an ambulance despite the dizziness he feel.

Jungkook arrive late due to traffic he just saw the ambulance and Taehyung laying on a stretcher. He also saw Yoongi being treated by the aid personnel while Jimin never left Taehyung side and go with the ambulance.

" what happen?? i got stuck in traffic.. after Jimin's call and heared some disturbing sound in the background i immidiately drive here.." Jungkook look closely in Yoongi's face.

" Mrs Park kidnaps Taemin.. " Jungkook eyes widen by that " but she treaten us n0t to speak about it or go to the police.. " Yoongi hang his head low, tears falling " i cant stop them.. i cant fight for them especially Jimin.. they hurt him.. im useless.. "

Jungkook pat his shoulder " you are n0t bulletproof to face them.. they have guns for godness sake.. i kn0w Jimin wont mind it.."

Yoongi just gave him a sad smile. Little did they kn0w someone was there who witness it all from the beginning till the end he's just hiding somewhere near them.

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