☆Part 7☆

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Everyone was drinking and jumping, playing music and stuff until Y/n got up and walked over to Derek
Y/n: Hey D!, so do like everything
She said trying to walk
Derek: Ya everything is great! Thank you y/n you are like the best outside and inside
Y/n: Ty Derek I already know
Derek and Y/n laughed , they talk and laughed and Drink until it was time to drop everyone off, one bye one or two everyone left. Mike and Skyler left together . Vallyk and Zoe left together. Justin and Emma left together. And Kobe and Ava left together. But they ain't no fReAkY mA anywaysssss
Which left Derek and Y/n together
Y/n:so this was a blast!
Derek: it was, Ty y/n I just can't believe it you did this. We only hung out for a least three days and you did this for me
Y/n: Your welcome Derek! Mike said I been a huge change on you
Derek: HE DID!
Y/n: ya! He did what's wrong..
Derek: nothing it's just that why... ..
Y/n : Derek nothing is wrong with that......is there
Derek: Y/n you have been a huge change on me , many things I dont do I do now its amazing!
Y/n: That Is so cool and I'm happy!
But me and Coren are going home tonight.......
Derek: Why?!
Y/n: Because we don't live there and I dont want to stay long
Derek: you can stay as long as you want
Y/n: Idk...?
Derek: Let's chill at your place!
Derek: Cmon
Y/n and Derek pulls up to his house and gets out the party bus ( duh)
Y/n: let me found my keys
Derek: ok
Y/n grabbed the keys out her bag and unlocked the car
Y/n: cmon!
Y/n and Derek gets in The car and starts it. They drive in the driveway and get out. Y/n opens the door and they go in.
Y/n: ok I'm going to take a shower if I can , because I'm tipsy and drunk
Derek laughed and want to the kitchen ( keep in mind They were ALL TIPSY AND DRUNK)
As Derek want in the kitchen he grabbed a glass and want in the fridge and grabbed a water and poured it in the glass and he picked it up and drop the glass giving him a tiny cut on his toe.
Y/n: DEREK!! What happened!!!
Derek: ow! I dropped the glass and cut my self, Sorry......
Y/n: Derek it's ok I dont care about the glass cmon I'll fix you up.
Derek and Y/n want upstairs. Y/n got dressed and want to the bathroom and grabbed a ade. She put the ade
On him and asked what happened .
Derek: well......I grab a water and glass and I think.........wtf
Y/n: who???
Derek: that...
Y/n: Derek what is it
Derek ran to the wall and punch it
Derek: I'm sorry I'm just-
Y/n :its ok we all are!
Derek:Look at me...
Y/n gets up and looks Derek in the eye
Y/n : yes Derek..?
Derek leans in and kissed Y/n, Y/n kissed back.


The end.

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