☆part 15☆

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I go to the room and wake Derek up.
Y/n: Derek
Y/n: Derek
Y/n: Derek
Derek: what....
Y/n: she did it again!
Derek: who?
Derek is now sitting up looking at me with his bed hair
Y/n: the baby momma, she sent the cops to get Lela and take full custody!
Derek jump out of bed and went downstairs , I followed behind him
Officer: hello are you Derektrendz?
Derek: yes....
Officer: the LEGAL mother*the officers gives you a look like 🤨*of Lela trendz wants to take full custody!
Derek: she is not here, can she do that?
Officer: yes she can, can we go get her?
Y/n: ok!
Me and Derek are now in the cop car driving to get Lela, lela was my daughter or like I know I didn't give birth to her but we had this great bond, we would go to the mall on sundays, go to the park on Friday, and her birthday was this Saturday and I had big plans, I could feel tears come down my face, Derek must have seen cause he wiped my eyes.
Derek: its gonna be ok...
Y/n : and what if it's not, its not like she is gonna be like how she was last time.
By that time we get there and the officer knocked on the door, 10 mins later he officer comes out with Lela we get out the car and hugged her.
Lela: momma what's wrong, daddy?
Derek: its gonna be ok, your gonna be with your mom for a while.
Lela: why, no plz.
Lela started crying
Y/n:, its gonna be ok?
Lela: nooo, pls let me stay, I'll be good!
Derek: your not bad, your a good girl, your just going with your mom for a bit.
I could see that Derek was crying but trying to hold it in.
Lela: Alyssa said I'm bad, then she gets the belt and make jason hit me.
Derek: WHO!??
I could see that Derek was mad, I tried to calm him down but he said hes fine.
Derek: I'm gonna talk to Alyssa and Jason ok?
Lela: pls daddy
Officer: we have to go!
Lela: pls don't give me to the police, pls momma!
The officer grabbed Lela out of are hands, she started having a temper, Derek cried on my shoulders, I just stare at the officers light going down the road until it was hard to see the car, we got a uber it was now 7:08 am, we go inside and take a shower and then ate, everyone was quiet we didn't talk after what happened.
Mike: yall good?
Vallyk: yall haven't said anything?
Derek: mhm....
Vallyk: y/n?
Y/n: I'm good!

What if she hits her, does she have another guy in the same house with Lela hitting her, what is Derek going to "talk" about to them, will we ever see Lela again 💭

I was knocked out of my mind when Derek called me upstairs, I go upstairs and closed the door and he started talking.
Derek: what are we gonna do?
Y/n: did u ever call her?
Derek: no, but let me try
20 mins later

Derek: she said she is gonna keep her and move away, what if I dont ever see her again, and she denied hitting Lela or having a guy hitting her.
Y/n: we should go and see, or tell the cops.
Derek: ig
We go downstairs and hop in my car, we go to the girl house and knocked on the door.
Bm: what! Oh hey Derek!
Derek: where is Lela!
Bm: she is sleeping gosh, what do you want.
Derek: who is jason, why do u have another nigga hitting my daughter!
Bm: oh jason come here.

Derek: who is jason, why do u have another nigga hitting my daughter!Bm: oh jason come here

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Jason ^ mr thick neck bitch 🤩

Jason: wassup ma!
Bm: this is Derek.
Jason: oh....
Me :mhm, why is Lela telling me your putting your hands on her!
Bm: she is lieing, I told you that!
Me: I dont believe that, I will tell the cops!
Jason: so what if i hit her, the little girl dont listen, if you dont hit her then she wont learn.
Me: nigga if you put your hands on my daughter again I'm gonna call the cops!
Jason: nigga I Ain't afraid to hit a bitch.
Bm: Derek leave!
Me: no!
She tried pushing me out but I pushed her back, next thing was me and Jason are fighting each other, Y/n comes out the car and try's to take me off him but the anger in me was just coming out I looked up and saw lela standing at the door crying screaming daddy stop, I had blood on my hands from his nose and mouth, I heard sirens coming I got up and ran to Lela and tried to hug her but she screamed and wouldn't let me touch her, I look at y/n who was also crying then the cops came and put me in cuffs, I looked at y/n who had Lela in her hands both of them were crying, the ambulance came and took Jason and Alyssa want with him in the trunk, I looked at Y/n and Lela and mouthed " I'm sorry" , they put me in the cop car and locked it and got in the car, we started driving when I looked back one more time at Lela and Y/n who was crying still.

💭 Mind💭
💭Was it worth it, is this the end, what I'm I gonna do, will I ever see them again, my friends ,my parents, my daughter, my girlfriend.......💭

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