☆part 13☆

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It was a boy looked like my age but older, I grabbed his face but then everything went black. I woke up 10 mins later in a what looked like a house their was that bitch.....

Derek's baby momma
Next to her was this cute boy with curly hair and brown eyes, and next to Him was two other boys.
Bm: Listen bitch! You are gunna stay away from Derek, and to help that this will be your boyfriend.
She pointed to the cute boy

Bm:his name is Benny, I also heard what yall said in the pool, he doesn't love you

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Bm:his name is Benny, I also heard what yall said in the pool, he doesn't love you.
Y/n: how do you know that, cant be mad that he dont want you!
Y/n: you can't chase a man that don't want your ass
Bm: You bitch!* she slaps me across the face *
I felt like I could cry, it stayed on face the whole time, what would I tell my friends, that Derek baby momma kidnapped me and slapped me across the face. 1 hours goes by and my phone is gone so I have no one to call, Derek bm comes in with the boy and said I could leave but I have to stay with him and do whatever he wants, she said if I tell anyone about this she would kill me, I said ok and left with the boy.

Derek [pov]

Me: maybe we should call the cops?
Mike: the cops wont do nothing unless she been gonna for 24 hours or more nigga!
Me: what If someone kidnapped her!
Zoe: Derek has a point, mike let's called the cops!
Vallyk: it has not even been 24 hours, it's been only 5 hours!
Skyler: wow val-
Skyler was cut off bye someone opening the door its was......

Me: where were you, you had everyone worried!
Zoe: y/n not even a call, we were gonna call the cops!
Mike: who wasn't gonna do anything because it has not been 24 hours!
Everyone: SHUT THE HELL UP!!
Vallyk: Y/n what happened?!
Y/n: umm guys ty for worrying but this is .....my....boyfriend.......
She pointed to a boy behind her.
Me: we are here worrying about YOU and YOU BRING A BOY!! This shit is crazy!

Y/n [pov]

Derek ran upstairs and slammed his door. I felt bad because I cant say anything but maybe there is a way.
Mike: y/n what the hell!
Skyler: Boyfriend!?!?!?
Zoe: how
Vallyk: he cant stay here!
Zoe: angel is cool and his friends with mike and vallyk and all but HE!?!? Can not stay!
Y/n: what about me?
Skyler : of course you stay or you cant go with him?
Y/n: I cant leave 🥺
Skyler: then he leaves!
I turned around and faced benny. I whisper to him and said,
Y/n: can you plz go🥺
Benny: no! Your not supposed to leave me, so you are coming!
He pulled my waist, I tried to get out of his grip but I couldn't, he kept pulling me out the door but I wouldn't go!
Skyler: LET HER GO!
Mike: yo man dont you hear let her go!
Mike and vallyk are in his face,he let my hand go,I ran to Zoe and Skyler.
Vallyk: get the hell out!
Benny: I'm not leaving without her!
Zoe: well she is not going!
Y/n: you guys dont understand maybe I have to!
Skyler: no u cant leave with him.
Y/n: that's my boyfriend and if only talk understand!
Zoe: understand what!
Y/n: I can't tell you but I love you guys and all of you.
I hugged then but they grabbed my wrist.
Skyler: tell us!
Y/n: ok come here!
I wnat in the backyard and we sat down
Y/n: she said that I have to stay with him and dont leave or she will kill me.
The girls: who?!
Y/n:I can't say she is probably listening....
Zoe: y/n?
Y/n: yes.....
Zoe: did he hit you!
Then I remember the slap mark
Y/n: no!
Skyler: oo hell no, did he hit you!
Y/n: no!
The girl ran in the house i followed behind them.
Skyler want up to him and gave him a slap across the face, he looked like he almost say jesus or sum.
Vallyk: y/n did he slap you!
Vallyk: Y/N DID..HE..SLAP.YOU!!
Mike: YOU'RE not gonna do anything
Idk what got into mike but mike punch him in the face. At this point they are fighting each other, then vallyk punches benny in the face making him fall. Derek comes downstairs and see what is happening, he breaks up the fight asking what happened.
Y/n: pls dont say anything * I beg the girls*
Derek: say what?!
Skyler: HE SLAP Y/N! So I slap him and he says he is not afraid to hit a bitch so vallyk asked Y/n if he hit her and she didn't say anything!
Derek: let me see your face!
Y/n: no...!
Derek grab my face.to see the mark.
Derek: did he hit you!
Y/n: no....
Derek: get out or we are gonna call the cops!
Benny: I'm not leaving or I'm gonna tell her that you are telling your friends about it.
The boys: Tell who WHAT!
Y/n: nobody......
Derek: Y/n why are you lying to my face!
Y/n: I'm not, we have to go!
Derek: you are not going anyway where with him!
Mike: the cops are on the way!
Y/n and Benny: The cops!
After 10 mins or argument the cops came and took him. They last thing he said he was.
Benny: she is not gonna like this!
Then he started laughing
Derek: who is he talking about!?
I ran upstairs and slammed then locked my door. 3 hours went past and it is now 9:30 pm and everyone is sleeping. I got hungry and went down, I the hallway I got a call two so I called the first one and it was the hospital that cohen was at, they called and said he could come home tomorrow, I was so excited, I want to call the second number and it was the bm,she called and said that I locked up benny and that he said I told Skyler and Zoe and she would kill them.
My heart dropped, she is crazy I have to tell the boys, I have to tell Derek, but what if she hurts them. Then I remember that Derek is gonna go pick up Lela and I said I would go.

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