Killer queen...

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After Junko, Celestia Is the most malevolent student in the first killing game, she's undeniably evil and selfish, it was obvious from the very beginning, but for a moment I was thinking she was going to survive, after all she said she wanted to adapt her own mind to the situation there, but at the end, she killed Hifumi and Ishimaru, lying in the process, and she tried to kill everyone in the third class trial (lying and pretending to be innocent to make them get the wrong answer so Monokuma can kill them) to get the money she wanted...

That means at this point, Celes was really a bad person, no matter how you see it, she was very cruel, and in danganronpa the animation, she even seems like "Junko"'s death was funny to her, saying dead people shouldn't be making them losing their time, even smiling in the process, Mukuro's death was really shocking... And then there's Celes... totally relaxed...

However her true self is not completely dead, even when she's really cruel, sometimes she's really kind...

However, when she's kind, it's always because she loses... And when she hears the word "lose" she remembers her true self... A weak loser...

Once she admits she's defeated she changes her personality a little bit, being sarcastic but at the same time being honest with everyone, however, I am still impressed at how good Celes reacts to her own punishment, even in the moments before it she was really serene, I mean, now her dream was impossible to reach, and she was about to die, but she's smiling at her final moments, giving that "I deserve it" vibe... Maybe she feels guilt about her crimes after all, she's a liar, even when she's lying, you don't know what is true, and what is fake about her...

Celestia Ludenberg/Mukuro Ikusaba (analysis and fun facts)Where stories live. Discover now