Mukuro and her sister...

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Mukuro has a problem in her personality: she's always thinking about Junko, no matter how dangerous the situation is...

This is something you learn at the first episode of danganronpa 3 (anime), Junko tried to kill Mukuro, and Mukuro was like "omg I like her so much, I love the fact she's trying to kill meeee..." Which is really scary if you ask me, her obsession with Junko is her worst flaw... She likes to be used by her sister sometimes... at the same time, Mukuro feels she's not in the correct side of the story, but even so... She's not capable of leaving her sister alone, Mukuro lives for her sister, almost literally...

Mukuro undeniably felt she was betrayed in Danganronpa the animation: this fact is crazy, because you see she likes her sister even when Junko's trying to kill her in danganronpa 3, but I think I understand why this happens...

Danganronpa IF showed us Junko told Mukuro she was going to be kidnapped by Monokuma at some point, so Junko told Mukuro she had to be rude with Monokuma all the time to make the plan perfectly...

Mukuro really believed Junko was not going to kill her; Mukuro wanted to be killed by her sister personally, so, when she was killed by Junko just like that (so far away from Junko) Mukuro felt true despair, she wanted to die in the arms of her little sister Junko, but this is what she got...

This could mean Mukuro doesn't give a value to her own life; she's living just for her sister, to be the slave of her sister and her only wish in life (dying in the arms of her own sister) was now destroyed, she was used just as an example in the Killing game, and Junko knew perfectly Mukuro didn't want to die in that way...

Even when Mukuro saved the students in danganronpa IF, she only did it to give despair to her sister, even she said it in the novel, Mukuro wanted to make her sister happy all the time, and Mukuro knew perfectly she can give despair to her sister if she kills her perfect plan completely... At least that's what Mukuro was thinking...

This is a shame because Mukuro is always going to see her sister like a goddess; she maybe is happy around others like Naegi, but she's always going to prefer her sister Junko and Mukuro is always going to do everything to make her happy all the time...

As I said before, this maybe happened because Mukuro knows her sister is always suffering, but even so, Mukuro should have stopped her for another reason; Junko needed to die to rest in peace forever and run away from her talent (ultimate analyst), Mukuro could have tried to kill her to make her sister rest easy, after all, Junko was suffering thanks to her talent: ultimate analyst...

Mukuro should have done that to be finally happy with Naegi and the others, but no... She just ruined the plan to make her sister happy, and this happens all the time...

Fun fact: there's many Mukuro references after her death in danganronpa the animation, for example: you can see her E-handbook at the investigation in the second case of the anime (in danganronpa trigger happy havoc she's even mentioned in the second class trial), and her dying scene appears sometimes in some episodes, so at least she's not completely forgotten (In all of this she's disguised as her sister, Junko Enoshima).

Celestia Ludenberg/Mukuro Ikusaba (analysis and fun facts)Where stories live. Discover now