A talented Soldier with glamour...

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Even when Mukuro looks so serious and cold... She's a true artist... And not even a good one... AN AMAZING ONE...

First: she knows how to act really well, Junko said Mukuro didn't know how to act as the real Junko in danganronpa trigger happy havoc, and that's true and wrong at the same time; Mukuro can't act like the psycho Junko very well, but she imitated the fake personality of Junko perfectly in the first game of the franchise; which is the personality Junko used in the tv shows or even in the academy...).

Second: she's a beautiful Singer, just like Sayaka; in danganronpa 3 (anime) while Junko is celebrating the results of her first killing game (student council killing game) Mukuro is singing perfectly a song named "please, give me wings" which means she maybe likes the tv/fame world very much just like her sister, but she didn't try to be an actress or something like that because she was so poor in the past to even try something apart from stealing food which is maybe why she only tried to be a soldier in the first place...

And even if she could  have tried to be an actress or something like that in the past, Junko would be mad at her I think, saying she's the only one who can be famous there, and seeing Mukuro clearly as her enemy, even when they're sisters... Junko wouldn't allow Mukuro to be famous like her...

However, it's cool to know she's a true artist even when she's the ultimate soldier, because that means she's not so cold after all, to be an artist you have to use all your heart and soul and maybe Mukuro really used that passion and feelings while she was disguised as Junko, maybe she used it while she was singing at the student council killing game... That's a nice detail about our dear best soldier Mukuro Ikusaba...

I would say she's a one woman army... But at the same time, she's a glamorous girl with talent~ just like Junko, and just like Sayaka~

Mukuro is a diva!~

Celestia Ludenberg/Mukuro Ikusaba (analysis and fun facts)Where stories live. Discover now