Chapter Six - Tailgate

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Rewind was gone for two days while I got a visitor.

Cyclonus arrived at my house pretty early, and we had been dating for a LONG while. I knew my time was coming fast, and I wanted to savor it.

"What's up? How's Chromedome?" Cy didn't answer my questions until he walked in.

"Tailgate. I know your time nears, so I will make this brief." He showed me a pink glowing liquid. "Do you know what this is?"

"It's Cygate. Time Sparker babies are given this when they are born in hopes to save them." I say. I look up at him. I suddenly got what he was doing. "Cy... I cannot accept this drug..."

"Why not?" He sounded crestfallen, and I can see his hope shattered in his eyes. I sighed.

"I can only take this once...I know I only have a year left...About there, at least." I look up at him with a broken heart. "I'm gonna die any day now. I won't be able to give you any families you've dreamed of." I myself began to cry. "I'm sorry, Cy..." Suddenly his eyes lit up again.

"I have an idea." I raise an eyebrow.

"Better than making me take a drug?" I deadpan. He chuckled.

"Yes. Isn't Brainstorm testing with dormant egg cells with genetics? What if, we were to give him our dna..." I got what he was saying with a smile.

"Wait 3 months, and start a family that way!" I finish for him. My boyfriend was a genius! Not only will it work with his asexuality (He's sex repulsed), it will help me achieve my dream of a family!

Getting the materials to Brainy was easy. He was eager to get started and had immediately showed us all the stuff for the kid. I wasn't going to be carrying them, but it would still be growing under a new machine Brainstorm invented.

Those 3 months were going to be long, but worth it.

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