Chapter 10

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Puppet glared down at spring trap as spring trap began to writhe under him.

"So YOURE the one who-"

"NO! IVE BEEN TRAPPED, SAME AS YOU!" Spring trap growled.

"LIKELY STORY!" Puppet said growling.

"If I were the real spring trap that kidnapped you, I would have a purple scar on one of my eyes!" He said pushing me off.

I clenched my jaw and got off him.

Spring-trap stood. "I have a family. He has most likely said something to make them not come anywhere near here."

Spring traps eyes darted around the dark room.

"I don't believe you, but whatever man." Puppet sad growling. "If only I have my claws."

Spring trap walked towards the wall and felt, his eyes lighting up. "This place was where I murdered those kids, and I guess it's only fitting that I be trapped where they were killed huh?"

Puppet could only manage to stare before turning ad trying to find a way out.

"You know... I'm never gonna see them again. My children I mean." He clenched his fists. "Because my so called brother took control of who I was supposed to be."

"What were you going to be exactly?"

"I was going to be a loving father, and a loving husband." His jaw made a metallic sound. "But even a monster like me can't have that wish now..."

Puppet stopped and thought about something. Then quickly casted it aside. "Just shut up you old man, and find a way out before I starve to death in here."

Spring trap, after about an hour, finally found something. Though there were no vents, there seemed to of been left a door fully made of metal.

With this, he started throwing himself against it.

Puppet didn't believe a word this man was saying, due to him trusting absolutely no one.

But all he knew is he was connected to you... somehow... someway...

With that, the door, with a loud thump, fell to the ground.

Springtraps suit had dents on it now, and it now had some fur tearing away. His jaw looked almost broken, and one of his eyes began to flicker.

"Lets go... hurry." He said turning and running down a narrow hallway which led to some stairs.

Puppet followed soon after, out stretching his hands like he would normally do with his claws, ready to attack whatever was awaiting them on the other side.

Puppet X Reader | ✔️ | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now