Chapter 13

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Puppet burst through the doors behind spring trap, and growled.

The entire pizzeria sat in front of him, deserted.

He had been trapped within his own pizzeria and he didn't even know it. His fists clenched and his eyes began to change color... which gave him a quick flash back to when he was a kid...


He looked up at the bully with his dark brown eyes, his black hair covering on of his eyes as beads of sweat ran down his face.

Blood showed at the side of his mouth and he spat at their feet standing and throwing a punch at them.

He was only eight years old, but he had grown up fighting.

The bully grabbed his little arm and threw him down, which then caused him to black out.

The last thing he remembered were the grey white eyes of something staring at him behind a dumpster.

Once he awoke, his head throbbed. He was soaked to the bone after the rain poured upon him, and he stood dizzily and began heading home.

That night he loaded ad cocked the gun he kept hidden, walked into his parents rooms, and murdered them in their sleep, their faces in a peace he wished he could enjoy

He disposed of the bodies, but the strange man had found him and brought him to the pizzeria.

You got your hands on a mirror while you had been at your house though... and what he had seen that night had scared the living hell out of him.

His black hair was the same, but his eyes had LED lights in them like an animatronic, and his skin was white.

Purple tears stained his cheeks, and his eyes expressed the emotion he was feeling. They could go from a light blue, which was a rare emotion for him, red for anger, or pleasure and normal being white.

That night... was his last normal night...


He shook his head and glared at the surrounding pizzeria, knowing he had to find you. Knowing he needed to see your face-

"Oh... I know that slutty look. Darn it I know it to well."

"SHUT UP YOU OLD FART!" Puppet yelled at spring trap who did a stuff chuckle.

"You like them don't you, the person you want to rescue, don't you?" He said glancing R you as he walked forwards.

"Tch... hardly, they're so annoying. Y/n can be very mischievous at times." He said brushing his hair to the side.

"Yeah whatever kiddo." He said rounding a corner.

"Why you- IM NOT A-"

Spring trap shushed him and he shut his mouth instantly.

Spring traps rabbit ears twitched. "You hear that?"

Puppet looked at him and spread his fingers ready to charge.

"It's the sound of you finally shutting up. Quiet comes swiftly." He walked forwards almost amused.

Puppet stood there baffled and looked angrily at him. "Watch it old man or I might kill you myself."

"Do it, but wouldn't that make me double dead?"

"I mean, you are a walking corpse... sort of..." puppet said eyeing him.

They continued in silence as spring trap lead the way through, but puppet listened for any sign, any signal, so he could spring his attack to free you... because he needed you... but he wasn't sure why...

Puppet X Reader | ✔️ | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now