C h a p t e r 21: Goals and Girl Code 📋 🙅‍♀️

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My hands are on my knees, I'm bent over trying to catch my breath. The only thing I can focus on is my chest expanding and retracting.

Sweat trickles down my back and suddenly I feel gross and sweaty, which I am, but now it's at the forefront of my mind.

Coach Leighs loud whistle breaks me out of my reverie and I line up for more suicides.

I paste a smile on my face, encouraging the rest of the team to keep going and stay positive.

I try to catch my breath before calling out "Keep going girls, only 1 more set!!"

Halfhearted cheers are thrown up, but Clarke just glares at me. I stick my tongue out at her but continue trying to bring the energy up. Suicides are easier to do when you're not blaming the world for making you run them.

We line up again, waiting for the screech of the whistle to make us burst into a run. The sound echoes around the gym and all you can hear is your breathing, the squeak of shoes, and Coach Leigh yelling at us.

I get to the line, bend down to tap the line, and keep going. You're almost there, keep going. One more line to hit. I will my legs to keep the same speed and tap the last line. My legs keep going and I finish off.

One more. Just one more. Then you can go home and sit and watch all the Netflix you want.

I inhale deeply trying to slow down my heartbeat. Quick recovery time and stamina is the key to this type of workout.

Coach gives us a minute to catch our breath and then we're back sprinting across the floor, tapping the lines on our way. I will myself to finish the sprint and gasp for air as I stop a huge stitch blazing through my stomach.

I lean against the wall, trying to take deep breaths. Clarke stumbles towards me, sitting down beside me.

"I hate these workouts" She grumbles, stretching out her legs.

"Me too. I'm so glad it's over. I don't think I could have survived another one, my legs would have probably fallen off."

Sam comes over to us "If she springs a surprise set on us I will lose my mind"

I quietly laugh at her, and our team just tries to recover for a moment or two.


"-that's all for today then. Remember to be down at the gym on time for warmups tomorrow. Hands in" Coach Leigh wraps up.

She nods her head at me and I lead the cheer. "Hustle on 3."

"1 2 3 HUSTLE" we yell.

We exchange high-fives, and head to the change room. Sam, Clarke, and I have to pick up all the cones, so by the time we get into the change room most of the girls are gone.

We go to our corner and slowly change into our street clothes, our muscles aching from the hard practice.

While we change, I overhear Mariah talking to Promise. I try to not pay attention but the sound carries in this change-room.

"You have a crush on him? Really?" Promise asks.

"I know, I know. But I've seen him around the halls a lot and.... he's really cute" Mariah giggles.

"You're so gone, girl. But isn't he with Sam or something?"

"They're together! Dang it, I thought he was single." She pouts.

"I don't know.... maybe test out the waters a little bit. See how he reacts. Worst case scenario he says they're together and you back off." Promise suggests.

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