Katie Bell? Or Is It Gardner?

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Katie Bell? Or is it Gardner?

Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, the Weasley twins, and their parents had traveled to King's Cross. He made sure to keep an eye out for Voldemort's grandson, who he was quite suspicious of. They made their way to the opening of platform nine and three quarters when he heard a familiar voice, "Can't you just Shadow Travel us there?" 

The golden trio turned their heads instantly. There they were. The three, way too attractive cousins and the baby were dressed in muggle clothes pushing a trunk in front of them. Percy was looking at a piece of parchment that Harry recognized as the ticket to the hidden train. 

A dark-haired boy that Harry assumed was Nico shook his head, "Nah, I don't actually know where the place is. I can't just think 'Magical Wizard Train,' and expect to be there,"

"Shadow Travel? What's that?" Ron whispered to Hermione,
She shrugged, "No idea. It sounds like magic to me though. How would they know magic? They haven't studied it before,"
"Maybe they learned it from-" Harry started but Hermione cut him off
"If you say Voldemort I swear I will punch you the same way I punched Draco,"
Harry stopped talking.

"Then how'd you get into Diagon Alley?" A blue-eyed girl asked.
"Chiron told me where the entrance is, so I just made myself get passed it,"
Percy groaned, "We can't keep everyone else waiting. Have you seen Luna around?"
"I haven't seen her, and you just want to see Annabeth before you leave," the girl teased.
"What? No! Everyone's gonna be there, Thalia!" he stuttered

Harry scowled, "Did that git tell everyone about our world already?" 
"Stop making assumptions Harry!" Hermione scolded.

"Yeah right," Nico laughed, "You two are probably the most in-love couple at Camp. Everyone thinks so,"
Percy blushed, "Like you're not like that with Will," he muttered and Nico turned crimson.

"I just hope I don't have to shoot any guys at this place," Thalia said casually, "That would suck,"

"Did she just say shoot?" Ron asked incredulously.
"We could have misheard them," Hermione reassured, though she did look slightly suspicious.

"Artemis turned that one guy into a deer when he tried to flirt with you, remember?"

Thalia smiled, "Yup, that was funny. Especially since I told him I was a hunter, he didn't seem to understand what eternal maiden meant," She rolled her eyes like she couldn't believe the nerve of the guy.

"Isn't he like, getting beat up by a bunch of hunters in the underworld?"
Nico nodded, "I punched him in the face a couple of times,"
Thalia ruffled his hair while Percy scanned the crowd. His eyes landed on someone and he yelled, "Katie!"

Harry turned and sure enough, Katie Bell was in muggle clothes, pushing a trolley in front of her. She looked startled and a bit sheepish. She quickly hid her Tawney owl out of sight but that didn't stop him from squawking indignantly. The three cousins and the baby beamed and made their way through the crowd to get to her.  

"Oh, um, hello Percy. What are you doing here?"

Percy raised an eyebrow and tilted his head to observe the owl, "Why are you hiding an owl behind your back?"

Nico rolled his eyes and Thalia hit his shoulder, "How stupid are you? Katie's a student at that magic school!"

Percy's eyes widened and stared at her, "Why didn't you tell us?" he asked

Katie huffed, "Because you weren't supposed to know! Luna didn't tell you either, so I thought I didn't need to,"

"The other campers are here Katie. What are they going to say?"
"We could tell them," Katie suggested, "It's not like they've never seen magic before,

"What?" Ron asked, "They already know about magic?"
"Maybe Katie showed them," Harry said, "And that's why they already know about it. They seem to know Luna too..." 
"But Katie isn't seventeen till November," Hermione muttered, more to herself than anyone, "She and Luna aren't allowed to use magic outside Hogwarts yet,"

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