~ Chapter 8 ~

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All five knights have arrived at each stone pillar and once they smash their sword into the stone, the stone wall depicts some sort of writing. Meanwhile, Sonic and Y/N are heading into the dragon's lair they have went before but farther inside.

"A dragon's lair? Just our luck..." Sonic said.

"We'll be fine as long as we don't disturb anything." Caliburn assured.

"If we fall here, we'll be in trouble." Sonic whistled.

Him and Y/N jumped over the other side of the road after it suddenly fall off, breaking apart. Once they made it, they slay off dark knights before jumping over another side of the road as more of them fall off. They then slay off more dark knights until they eventually made it up.

"I'd say up's the way to go." Y/N said.

Slay after slay as they go up while destroying some crystals that are in their way. They stopped to see a tall dark knight as they easily slice it and slice it again with their trusty sword, taking it out as it disappeared into dust. They then kept on going as they jumped up and up and they flew up high in the air and swung themself from the pointy crystal from the cave ceiling. Sonic and Y/N landed on some kind of lightning road.

"Is th-that some kind of a... thunder dragon?!" Wolflobe asked.

"You mean this is some kinda dragon too?" Sonic asked.

"Strange..." Y/N said.

They slay off more dark knights as well as taking down crystals until they landed on the same lightning road that came from the yellow crystal that Y/N had noticed earlier.

"Take too long and there won't be any road left!"

Sonic and Y/N jumped off the lightning and landed safely to the next ground as they slay the dark knights again and the flying dark creatures. They landed on the lightning road again that was activated for them.

"Enemies from above, too?!" Y/N asked.

"Danger comes from all directions!" Caliburn shouted.

"Whoa, uninvited guests?" Sonic asked, seeing the dark flying creatures and took them out along with Y/N.

"Quick! Ready yourself!" Wolflobe instructed.

After slaying off the flying creatures, they jumped off the lightning road.

"Down is the way I'd say!"

Sonic and Y/N stabbed the cave wall using Caliburn and Wolflobe and dragged themselves down as they did the same thing when they saw a few more broken roads that have fallen off as they jumped over while slaying off the dark knights.

"Just a bit more."

"Make haste and be done with it already."

They then eventually made it after going through many courses as they stopped nearby to see a cave and loud stomp was heard in the distance. It revealed to be a real dragon called the Earth Dragon. It has red and brown with a yellow horn on top of its head. Its mouth and under its neck and torso are peach-colored.

"Let's get this party started." Sonic grinned.

"Heck, yeah." Y/N smirked in excitement.

"Never underestimate your opponent, especially when it's a dragon!" Caliburn warned.

Earth Dragon roared at them after eating the flying creature.

"We cannot withstand such a blast. Evade the beast's attack by weaving from side to side!" Wolflobe said.

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