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Jungkook chucked his backpack angrily on the floor and kicked it twice before slumping on one of the free couches while the rest of the BTS members lounging about exchanged ‘what’s wrong with him’ looks. 

“Uh oh,” Jimin sang out, blinking at him with owly judgemental eyes from where he sat cross-legged on the floor by Hoseok. “Looks like someone's wearing their extra tight grumpy panties today.”

Jin walked over and perched on the arm of his chair. “Yah JK, what’s up?” he asked.

“Yeah what’s with the innocent bag abuse?” Namjoon asked. “Did something happen?”

“Alot of things happened, define what you mean by something,” Jungkook groaned, massaging his temples.

“Did you end up getting that book you said you needed?” Namjoon elaborated. 

“No,” he grumbled. “The only thing I got from the library were bruises and a migraine.”

“That sounds like a tale with an interesting backstory,” Jin noted. 

“It’s nothing,” he pouted moodily, leaning down to snatch a bowl of chips off Taehyung who was sitting on the floor beside him happily munching away. 

“Aiiish! My honey crisps!” Taehyung cried, trying to grab it back. 

Holding the bowl tightly and batting his hands away, Jungkook angrily started shoving fistfuls of chips into his mouth. 

“Didn’t you say that you needed that book for your final exam? If the library didn’t have it what are you going to do?” Hoseok asked distractedly, half concentrating on the drama on TV. 

He was always such a chick that way.

Jin piped up on his behalf. “It’s just a book, he can just get another one online or convince the fan-girls in his class to give him theirs. It’s not like they wouldn’t be willing to,” he added.

Jungkook paused in the middle of chowing down. “Ivv ids nod dttt vin dun i dun bunnt eee!” His cheeks full of chips, he ended up spraying chewed up pieces all over Taehyung’s hair.

“Huh?” the other members chorused.

Jungkook swallowed. “I said. If it’s not that one then I don’t want it!” he barked. “I don’t care if I have to autograph and bribe my way into an extension on that stupid exam. It’s that book and only that book that I want or nothing at all!”

He heard a snide chuckle so he looked to his side at Yoongi who was lazily swiping across his phone. “What’s funny?” he asked him, frowning. 

Yoongi smirked knowingly without looking up. “I know you and I know that tone. This isn’t about a book... you found a girl at the library didn’t you?” he said, more as a statement than a question.

Jungkook just shrugged. “Well if you know already what’s the point in asking?” 

“Oh wow you're right. Sorry, for a moment there I forgot I don't actually care,” Yoongi said, waving a disinterested hand his way as he tossed his phone to the side of the couch and lay back, closing his eyes. 

“Ahhh of course! That’s the one thing that always riles him up,” snickered Taehyung, while picking out the corn particles from his bangs. 

“That’s true, when it took him a whole twenty four hours of putting up with Seolhyun playing hard to get before she would hook up with him he went all moody,” added Jin. 

“Like you guys all don't get moody when you go without sex for too long,” Namjoon scoffed.

“Yeah but that’s different, when we do it we don’t go around throwing a fit,” Hoseok defended. “Remember when Jimin got to that new makeup artist before Jungkook could and when he found out he threw a stage chair at him?”

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