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Drunken you 10:02pm

"Wow she's even prettier up close."

"She's an angel like me!"

"Yah I think she's waking up!"

"She is? Move! Linney are you okay?"

"Someone go get Jungkook."

Your eyes flutter open, your vision clearing to see BTS's Jin peering closely at your face. Jimin, Namjoon, Taehyung, Yoongi and Hoseok are behind him, looking at you too.

You still seem to be in the club, you can tell by the lighting and the loud music playing.

"Hey Princess, I'm Jin. Nice to finally meet you," he introduces kindly waving a hand in front of your face. "How you feeling? Still lit up like dynamite? How many fingers am I holding up?" he asks.

You smile. "Kai Oppa you make my world sparkle. I want to give you a gift to remember me by," you say ever so softly.

He quirks an eyebrow. "Eh? I'm not Kai I'm Kim Seokrrmmmph!!!"

Before he finishes his sentence you throw your arms around him and slam your lips against his.

"What the fuck!"

One moment he's there, the next he's not. You see Jungkook has him by the collar of his shirt and is shaking him. "Hyung if your wish is to die forever young and handsome then I can make that a reality for you..." he snarls.

"It wasn't me I swear!" Jin exclaims, waving his hands around defensively. "She just grabbed me and planted one on me!"

"It's true. I saw it... lucky bastard," Yoongi interjects, eyeing Jin enviously.

"Well I guess that answers our question about if she's still drunk," Jimin says, leaning down to tenderly stroke your cheek and smiling when you giggle.

Jungkook brushes him aside and crouches in front of you. "You! Are you crazy!? Who the fuck told you you could get this wasted!" he accuses shoving a large glass into your hands. "Here drink this!"

You take a sip and screw up your face. "Yeeeck- yucky it tastes like your personality. Salty and offensive." You gag and he rolls his tongue against his cheek as his Hyung's choke on their spit behind him.

"It's just water," he informs gruffly, taking the glass from you and holding it against your firmly shut lips. "Drink more."

"I don't want water!" You pout pushing it away. "I want whiskey, I want beer!" You make grabby hands at Jimin. "I want to squeeze his derriere!"

Jimin stares at you with shaking shoulders and silent laughter as the others lean on each other, barely containing themselves. Meanwhile Jungkook dead straight looks about ready to throw you over his knee.

"Let me touch it, Kookie monster, just once hmm?" You plead, batting your eyelashes at the silent and surly maknae while Jimin and the others finally lose their shit.

"Linney-" Jungkook starts to growl.

"Just a little rubadub..."


"A pitter pat?"


"I wanna touch it!" you cry. "I wanna touch the butt!"

"You can forget it!" he shouts. "And If I hear you talk about Jimin Hyung's ass one more time or anyone else's ass that isn't mine for that matter, I am going to punish you," he warns, jaw ticking.

Your answer is to whisper the word Butt, cover your mouth and giggle uncontrollably.

Jin claps Jungkook on the shoulder. "So much for your grand plan Jungkook-ah." He laughs, pityingly. "As much as we don't want her to leave this girl needs to be sent home asap."

"Don't even go there, Hyung," Jungkook sighs and slides the unused cup onto the table.

This is not the end game he had in mind when he invited you here tonight. Not by a long shot.

"Did you manage to find PD nim?" Taehyung asks him while appraising you from afar with an affectionate grin.

"No sign of him. I'll have to send her in a taxi," he replies, standing to his feet.

"Come on you little menace," he says, grabbing your arm to stand you up.

You stop giggling and pull your arm back. "I don't want to go! I want to listen to this very nice non-BTS music!" you exclaim, swaying from side to side on your seat to the rhythm of the bass.

"I'm taking you home," he tells you, reaching for you again.

You bat his hands away. "Nope don't want to. You go to your home and I'll stay right here with eye smile number one and two," you say in a sing songy voice while wiggling your fingers at Jimin and Namjoon.

Much to Jungkook's chagrin this made his Hyungs start laughing again.

"Listen boy," Yoongi chortles merrily wacking him on the back. "This is classic. She doesn't want to go with you- You! Fuckboy extraordinaire who no girl ever says no to? Hand on heart this is the most entertaining shit I've ever seen."

"I gotta agree. Even when she's drunk she still hates you, that's hard to achieve you know." Hoseok teases.

"It's the alcohol, it's messing with her mind and distorting her true feelings," Jungkook denies, baring his teeth as you aggressively flap at his neck with both sides of one hand attempting to shoo him away. "It- It's- made her delirious."

"Riiiiight cos out of all possibilities that seems like the most likely explanation," Namjoon says, lifting a Soju bottle to his lips as you smush your palms against Jungkook's nose and mouth to cut off his air supply.

Hoseok looks around. "Didn't she come here with a friend? Maybe I should go find her..."

As soon as he hears this, Namjoon perks up, quickly draining his drink before slamming the empty bottle on the table and hurrying away into the crowd congregating around the stage.

"...or maybe not." Hoseok finishes with a chuckle.

"Here's an idea!" Jimin pipes up. "How about I take Linney home? I'll take good care of her," he says, his gaze flickering to you hopefully.

"I bet you would!" Jungkook snaps, sending him a killing look before bending down to pick you up, but you grab onto the chair you're sitting on so he can't lift you.

"Let go," he orders.

You shake your head.

"Let go," he orders again, warning.

"No," you say firmly, stomping your feet.

"It's not up for discussion!" he shouts, getting impatient.

"Bite me!" you roar back.

Kicking your legs out with frustration, you stop in surprise when your foot accidentally collides powerfully with Jungkook's crotch.

"Oopsie!" you giggle brightly, as he doubles over in pain and his members step back and suck in horrified breaths.

"My bad."

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