༺ TEN ༻

16 1 0


“Question twenty two. Who’s my favourite Disney character?”

“Mmm Oh I know this one! Olaf! It's Olaf!”

“Wrong! drink drink drink...”

Drink drink! drink! drink! drink!

With the others chanting and you perched comfortably on Kai’s lap, he holds the shot glass to your lips and watches with amusement as you screw up you face and drink the bitter liquid down. 

With you around he couldn’t stop smiling. It doesn't hurt that you’re hot but more than that you're also genuine and funny without trying to be. Even his members seemed to be smitten with you. 

“Ahhh Seriously,” you hiccup “Oppa, how come my answers are always wrong?” you ask Baekhyun.

He refills the glass, chuckling. “Because you’re not drunk enough for them to be right yet.” 

You puff your cheeks out. “Yoooooou Hugs and Kisses are supposed to be teaching me how to handle liquor not getting me wasted.”

“We're building up your tolerance.” Sehun explains. “Wait- what are Hugs and Kisses?” he asks looking at the others.

“Isn’t it a play on our band name?” Chanyeol suggests, barking with laughter.
Kai smiles as the other members keel over with amusement.

This girl is too cute...

“Hugs and Kisses? Mmoookay it's actually Hugs and Kisses not Hugs and Kisses but hey, we live in a pro-choice world so why not,” you say nonsensically shaking out your foggy head.

Kai rests his chin on your shoulder, his nose in your hair. “You feeling okay?” he chuckles. “You wanna stop the lesson?”

You shake your head vigorously then turn to him. “I love you so much. Be my baby daddy,” you whisper.

Kai raises a brow. "Say what now?" 

"I said. Pass me another shot!" you cry and the others hoot, clapping.

“Ahaha this is fun!” says Suho rubbing his hands together. “Linney ready for the next question?”

You pump your fist in the air. “Let's get it!” you cry then hiccup loudly making the members laugh. 

“Hyung she’s awesome!” Sehun exclaims turning to Kai. “Can we keep her? Pleeaasee!” 

Kai wraps his arms around your waist tighter. “Sounds good to me. We’d have to hide her from Manager Hong though”

“No problem, she can hide in my room.” Chanyeol winks suggestively. 

“You wish,” Kai tsks then looks at you. “Linney if you had to pick a member to stay with who would it be?” he asks hopefully. 

“It’s a secret,” you whisper to him loudly. “Actually I’d pick Kai cos he's my favourite but don’t tell him.”

The members groan with disappointment. All but Kai who could hardly contain his grin.

Downing another shot you smile dazedly and sway on the spot, threatening to fall off his lap but Suho and Kai save you. 

“Ookay I think you might've had enough to drink now.” Suho observes.

Baekhyun nods. “Twenty three shots for a first go is pretty good Linney.” 

“So I can-" Hiccup, "-stop now then?” you ask. You turn to look at Kai. “Oppa I can really stop now?” 

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