༺ FOUR ༻

28 3 0



You stir awake at the sound of the doorbell going off. It seemed to be going on and on non stop...

"What in the world?" you croak as you lift your head from your pillow.

Rubbing your sleepy eyes, you throw your blankets back.

You should probably do something about your appearance, since you only wore a sheer nightdress and your hair probably looked like you got electrocuted but you couldn't be bothered. It was only....

You pick up the clock on your dresser.

6am after all...


6 FREAKEN AM!?!?!?!?


Slamming the clock back down on your dresser, you scowl and stomp down the stairs like a prematurely roused lioness.

This person didn't know you. That much you were sure of because if they did, they would know that waking you up anytime before 10am on a weekend was a horrifyingly bad idea.


"Okay okay I'm coming," you yell grumpily. "Keep your knickers on for fricks sake- What!?"

Yanking the door open, you freeze then rub your eyes in disbelief when you see who's standing on the other side.

Jeon... Jungkook?

"Good morning beautiful. Nice PJ's..." he compliments with a smirk, "...and even nicer everything else too," he adds, his gaze roaming over your body and lingering on the tops of your uncovered breasts and thighs.

You frown. "Great now I'm dream walking again," you mutter, shaking your head. "Why don't I ever open the door to naked Zayn Malik's, instead I get this fully dressed pervert." Rolling your eyes, you start waving him off and closing the door. "Be gone pesky nightmare scram!"

"No wait!" Lunging forward to catch the door and push it back open, Jungkook's mouth drops open in disbelief.

Were you just about to slam the door in his face!? You really must be a couple of kimchis short of a side dish.

"What is it dream pervert?" you sigh. "I would like to dream about someone better now so feel free to leave whenever."

"Are... are you serious?" he asks, mouth still open.

"As a heart attack," you say, shooing him away. "Anyone else but you will do but if you could be Kai the next time you invade my subconscious I'd be grateful."

Anyone else but me? Kai? She can't be for real...

Aiming a prayer of patience at the sky, Jungkook plasters a salacious smile on his face. "Sweetheart, if I were a dream do you think you'd be able to feel this?"

"Feel what?" you ask.

Hold on what is that?

Furrowing your eyebrows in confusion, you look down and see his large hand kneading your left breast.

Huh it sure does feel warm and real... not like a dream at all...

"AH YAAH!" gasping in horror, you shove his hand away from your chest. "What the fucking hell are you doing here!?" you screech, trying to cover your ample bosom and exposed legs with your hands.

With a smirk he brushes past into your house. "Here, a present for you. You're welcome," he says, shoving something at you while passing.

You fumble with whatever it is and glare at him as he walks up the stairs like he owns the place.

Tsssh maniac, you think to yourself.

You examine what he gave you. "BTS all exclusive V.I.P pass," you read to yourself, scoffing. "What kind of present is this? If he had given me ebola it would have been more considerate."

Sighing with annoyance, you close the door and turn for the kitchen until you hear a thud coming from upstairs. "Hmm what was thaaaAAAAAH THE PERVERTS IN MY HOUSE!!" you scream in remembrance and horror.

With arms pumping, you race back up the stairs and burst into your room to find Jungkook sitting on your bed.

To say you are shocked would be an understatement.

Partly because the arrogant maknae really is in your house and sitting on your bed like he owns it, but mostly because he is busying himself by sorting through your underwear!

Bras, panties, nighties... everything. He's dumped them all out from your freshly laundered washing basket onto the floor, examining them with keen interest.

"I could tell that you're a C cup. I like this one the best," he tells you with a bawdy grin, hooking your racy red bra around his finger and swinging it back and forth. "It's a front clasp too so it'll be easier to take off than your other ones. Not that It'd be hard for me either way- ooh is that a black lace negligee? Verrrrry nice."

"Give it!" you cry, snatching your undergarments off him. "And get out! Immediately!" you order, throwing them back in the basket.

He's completely unbothered by your state of panic. Leaning back on his hands and clicking his tongue. "Where do you keep your books?" he asks.

What in the world is he on about?

"Are you deaf!? I said get out!" you repeat, flinging an arm toward the door.

"Aw," He pouts. "Aren't you going to ask why I'm here first?... or how I know where you live?" he adds with a smirk.

You open your mouth to yell but then close it again with furrowed brows, grappling between curiosity and the urge to tell him to take a hike off the edge of a mountain. A frustrated puff of air whooshes through your lips as the former wins.

"Why are you here and how do you know where I live?" you grit out.

He shrugs and gets up to look around. "Nice place. Do you live here alone?"

"Yes, it's my scholarship house, now answer my question. "

Still wandering around he pauses to check himself out in your mirror, fluffing his hair and then continues. "The library receptionist has a thing for me so it was easy to get your details," He stops and frowns. "Pffft you really are a fangirl of Kai's aren't you." he says, sneering at the posters on your wall. "You have tragic taste."

"Once more, why are you here?" you say lowly, your patience wearing thin.

He spins to face you. "To apologize for the misunderstanding the other day and for this." Without warning he grabs your hand and yanks you toward him.

Helpless to stop it, you barrell chest first into him. One of his hands snakes around your waist to hold you in place, the other holds your chin up as his lips crash down on yours.

Your eyes widen as he groans and you feel his lips moving and his tongue confidently tracing along the seam of your mouth.

You pause in wonder. The boy knew how to initiate a kiss, you'd give him that much.

Wait what are you saying!? He's a sexual predator!

Pushing your hands up hard against his chest, you jerk your face away. "Y-you w-want to die!?" you stutter furiously.

He tries for another kiss but you turn your head the other way causing his lips to bump your cheek. "Let go of me," you hiss in warning. "You have three seconds."

He grins and tightens his grip on your waist. "You can cut the timid act now baby, it's just you and me here and I know you want this just as much as I do. It can be our little secret. Besides we're not even close to getting star..." He pauses when he sees your facial expression. "Umm why are you looking at me like that?"

"Your three seconds is up," you tell him darkly.

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