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Opening your eyes, you sit up and gingerly press your temples trying to ease your bitch of a headache.

"Just what in the world happened last night?" you croak, groggily looking around the room. "And how did I get here?"

All you could remember was agreeing to a drink with Kai. Meeting Exo. Doing shots with them.... and now you're in your bed.

It's morning, that much you can tell. You stare at the poster of Kai opposite your bed now illuminated by the sunlight streaming in through your drapes and bite your lip with worry.

"Oppa tell me the truth...I didn't do anything stupid in front of you last night did I?" you ask. The only answer you get is a smouldering matte stare.

Clutching your head, you fling yourself back onto the bed. "Aiiiiiiiish!"

Not knowing was the worst part. What if you made a fool of yourself? I've gotta ring Hani!

You sit up and try to throw the covers back but they won't budge.

You look down and freeze in horror.

In bed next to you, sleeping as soundly as a baby is Jungkook. And he's naked. The whole of his torso and chest...exposed.

Absurdly defined pecs...

Outrageously sculpted hips....

Insanely toned abs and biceps...

Nothing but tanned smooth skin stretched over taut muscle.

Open mouthed you peek under the covers. You're only in your bra and panties.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" you scream, startling Jungkook awake.

He grunts and sits up. "Woah-what's wrong!?" he asks worriedly, reaching out to you.

"Don't touch me!" you yell fearfully, slapping his hands away. "I think you've done enough touching!"

He frowns. "What..."

"What the hell are you doing in my house!? No... in my bed!?" you ask shrilly, clutching your pillow. "No, don't answer that!"

He rolls his eyes "We..."

"Rapist!" you blurt accusingly.

His eyes go wide. "Yah you... be careful with what you call me. Even if it's you I still have a limit," he growls warningly.

You're too panicky to care. "This was the plan all along wasn't it. Send me those passes, get me to the after party, wait until I'm drunk, ease your lust on me and then leave! Well that's fine, now that you've released your pent up sex drive you can leave! Just go!" you shout, hitting him with the pillow.

"Yah!!!" he yells when you continue to pummel him. "Yah!... Stop!... ENOUGH!"

He tears the pillow from your grip then throws back the covers and although you're semi relieved to see he's wearing boxers, you squeal in surprise when he yanks your arm and drags you across his lap so you're straddling him. Your body pressed to his, he grabs your waist and forces you down so you can feel his hardness grinding into your mound through your underwear.

You still in surprise. Well dang, he's not lacking in the bulge department that's for sure.

"Wh..wha..." you stutter, searching his eyes.

"It's my turn to talk and your turn to listen," he grates. "Does this-" He bucks his hips up savagely eliciting an involuntary gasp from your lips. "-feel like someone who's eased their lust to you?"

You blush and look away. "Well no..." looking back you say, "But how come were both half naked then... " you trail off.

"You gotta be kidding me!" he snaps, making you jolt.

He pauses in disbelief. "Are you telling me that you don't remember anything about last night!?" he barks angrily, shaking you by both arms. "We're like this because of you!"

You yelp in surprise. Wow he's really mad.....

"Huh? It's my fault?" you say, unsure. "What exactly...did I do?"

Shooting you an unreadable expression, you gasp as he rolls you flat on your back and covers your body with his, pinning your hands above your head.

"A lot. Try. To. Remember," he growls.

You stare at him, slightly frazzled but something about his weight on you seems oddly familiar. He stares back at you for a second and bites his lip, then with one last lingering gaze over your face and body, he rolls off you and starts walking to the door.

He stops at a poster of Kai. "Get this doofus off your wall," he orders in a low tone. "This guy too," he says, poking a neighbouring picture of Chanyeol in the face.

You bolt up. "Where are you going!?"

"I'm as hard as a rock, where do you think I'm going?" he snaps moodily before yanking the door open. "This boner isn't going to fix itself and you're obviously not going to help me with it."

"Ew gross t.m.i!" you call after him as he trudges across to the bathroom and slams the door behind him.

Scrambling off the bed, you go to your drawers and pull on a singlet and shorts. Quickly, you pace back and forth across your room.

"Try to remember... try to remember," you chant.

"Okay so Jimin, abs, choking, Kai, Exo, drinking games and theeeen..." you face screws up in concentration but you still can't recall. "Ugh I can't remem-eh?"

You notice the dress you wore last night by your feet on the floor and there's something on top...

You bend down and examine it.

An ice cream parlour loyalty card.

You frown. "Why the heck do I have this? Weird..."

Shrugging it off, you stand back up but as soon as you do your whole body freezes in shock and like a flood wave it hits you.

OMO I can't believe I did that!!!!

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