༺ SIX ༻

20 1 0


"Yah, hurry up would you!"

Knock knock knock

"Heeelloo Taehyungie needs to go pee pee urgently!"

"Aaay what the heck are you doing in there!? Did you die? Should we call an ambulance?"

Knock knock

Jungkook scowled and swung his gaze towards the door before turning back to the mirror to put the end touches on his hair. When he was done, he trudged over and yanked the door open.

Half his members spilled in like they'd been desperately leaned up against it, trying to get in.

"Aiish you guys are so noisy!" he snapped, lifting Taehyung upright by his collar. "What's the problem!?"

"You've been hogging the bathroom for ages," Jimin accused, righting himself and peering around suspiciously. "What have you been doing in here all this time?"

He pursed his lips and avoided his eyes. "Just shaving, my hair and stuff..."

Yoongi gave him a once over and screwed up his face. "What are you wearing? Are you channelling Kai or something? What's with the naked chest and low neckline jacket?"

Kai? He hadn't thought about it much but did he subconsciously choose this outfit because of Linney?

He cleared his throat. "We've got that song to perform at the after party so i'm just wearing something I can take off easily that's all," he said, then scoffed. "Kai pfft please, as if a stallion needs to imitate a pony."

Yoongi frowned squinting closer for a second before his eyes blew out. "Hold up, is that baby oil I can see on your abs?" he asked, ripping his jacket open so he could gawk at them.

Jungkook twisted away quickly. "Maybe," he answered, doing his jacket back up. "What are you, the baby oil police or something?"

All three of his boys looked at each other, raising their brows.

"Woah you are really going all out to impress that girl aren't you," Jimin said with a glimmer in his eye. "I gotta say, it's got me intrigued. I can't wait to meet her."

"What if she doesn't show? She wasn't exactly gagging for a piece of Juancock pie the last time you two met," Taehyung teased, unsuccessfully trying to cover up a snigger by coughing into his hand.

"Har har very funny," he said rolling his eyes. "She was just playing hard to get that's all."

Jimin laughed. "Yah a black eye isn't playing hard to get! It's girl speak for don't come near me again or your nut sack will be next!"

Jungkook smirked, adjusting his cuffs. "She doesn't know I sent her the passes but after tonight all that will be in the past anyway," he said confidently, brushing past them to head back to his room. "Enjoy the bathroom ladies, this sexy fucking mooch has got some sit ups to do."

༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺

Staring distractedly out the window of the car, your legs feel a bit cold so you reach down and grab at your thighs to pull your dress down a little lower but you realise there's nothing there to grab but air.

Remembering what you're wearing, you turn to Hani who's beside you. "Tell me again why I have to wear this abomination of a white singlet you call a dress?" you ask, unimpressed.

Hani looks up from her compact mirror. "What? You look hot," she says pointedly "You've got a body like a goddess so what are you worried about?"

You sigh. What were you worried about? The same thing you've been worried about since you got the passes... Jungkook.

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