Chapter Eight

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The rest of the afternoon was spend planning. Most of the time Percy didn't know what they were talking about but he managed to make a picture of everything at the end of the meeting. His task had been clear since the beginning and he didn't need to be at the meeting at all, but it was nice of Dumbledore to let him participate. He trusted him now and clearly if anything had gone different last night or this morning he wouldn't have.

It was at the brink of getting dark outside when they left. Professor Snape had left shortly before by Floo powder, whatever that was, but apparently it was a way to get into Hogwarts directly. Professor Dumbledore one the other hand had decided he and Percy would get to the train station in Hogsmeade per Apparition.

So soon after saying goodbye to the members who were still left in the building, Percy stood alongside Dumbledore in the shadows of a tree beside the path to Hogwarts. Before them a sight like no other, hundreds of students in the same robes waited to get on the carriages, that would bring them up to the school. The carriages were pulled by winged horse-like creatures. If he had to put a label on them he would have called them horses, though there was something reptilian about them, too. They were completely fleshless, their black coats clinging to their skeletons, of which every bone was visible. Their heads were dragonish, and their pupil-less eyes white and staring. Wings sprouted from each wither — vast, black leathery wings that looked as though they ought to belong to giant bats. Standing still and quiet in the middle of the many students Percy could see how someone might see them as death-like, but all he saw was magnificence.

"They are beautiful.", Percy couldn't take his eyes away from the creatures. "What are they?"

"Thestrals. They are very intelligent and loyal but known as omens of death because they are visible only to those who have witnessed death at least once in their life.", Dumbledore answered quietly and watched the creatures as well. "Now I have to go. Before the first carriages reach the school. Good luck."

He was gone when Percy turned his head to say something. Instead he emerged from the shadows of the trees, that had his him, and made his way to the crowd. Because he had changed in Grimmauld place before leaving he didn't get noticed too much in the crowd of black robes. His height probably played a big role in him making his way to the carriages fast. On the way there his ears picked up many things, from gossip, to "very" interesting reports of what they did in the summer. Percy was already exhausted from the social contact after years of being on his own, when his ears picked up something new.

"Can't... can't you see them?", the boyish voice sounded like its owner was on the edge of freaking out.

"See what?" Percy scanned the area for the boys the voices belonged to.

"Can't you see what's pulling the carriages?" Hah, he knew they were talking about the Thestrals. His eyes spotted a red back of a head above a Gryffindor robe. Must be Ron Weasley, what means the other voice belonged to-

"Are you feeling alright, Harry?" Harry Potter. Jackpot! Percy started walking towards the two boys. Time to make new friends, Percy!

The taller one of the, Ron, had started disappearing into the carriage when a blond girl appeared next to Harry. "You're not going mad or anything. I can see them, too.", she said that in such a dreamy voice Percy thought that wasn't a good reassurance of you not going mad.

"Can you?" Harry didn't seem quite convinced either.

"Oh, yes. I've been able to see them ever since my first day here. They've always pulled the carriages. Don't worry. You're just as sane as I am." Percy saw the look in Harry's eyes and decided that was enough.

He crossed the distance and came to a stop beside the two of them. "I find them quite fascinating." He had shocked them both and the soared around to look at Percy who stood behind them. Percy just smiled and took a few steps to the creatures. He reached to its head and led his fingers run down the thinly covered bone. The Thestral let him do it, but watched carefully. Percy knew if he would let the creature know who he was, it would act differently. "And beautiful of course." Percy turned back around and gave the two another smile. "My name is Percy Jackson, I'm new."

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