Chapter Eighteen

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When Percy left for breakfast a little while later nobody had noticed he wasn't in the school that night. He entered the Great Hall with Blaise and Daphne on his side when Professor Umbridge stopped him before he could walk up to the Slytherin table.

"Mr. Jackson, I know you have been out of your dormitory this night, ignoring the curfew I have set on you.", she accused him loud enough for everyone to hear. Percy could feel the looks of the members of D.A. on his back. They must think she was talking about the meeting.

"Really?" Percy looked her into the eyes. "Because I was in my bed reading and I have eye witnesses. Did you see me outside the common room?" Percy was well aware she didn't.

"Don't try to talk yourself out of it. I know you have left your room against my orders. This will have consequences, Mr. Jackson." Her chubby finger shook before his nose.

"Like what? There isn't much you can still take away from me." Percy knew he should provoke the witches anger but he could't stop himself. He despised everything the woman was.

"No brooms.", she tried. Her hands on her hips, trying to look intimidating, but it only made her look like a fool.

"I didn't have one from the beginning." Percy took the challenge and crossed his arms before his chest. He towered over the witch and he knew exactly what to do to intimidate her.

"No desert." All the attention was on the two. Every student in the hall silent and staring. Percy felt every one of their eyes in the back of his mind.

"I have never had one desert since I came here.", he said still looking down at her. Now she started looking desperate.

"Then no dinner." A murmur went through the rows, she actually dared to send him to bed hungry, but Percy just laughed, successfully stopping any teacher to interfere.

"You want to ban me from eating?", he laughed at her face. "Good try, Professor." He turned to go. But another order let him stop and turn back around.

"No Christmas for you Percy Jackson!" She had lost herself completely and he nearly saw steam come out of her ears. The professor was breathing heavily and had her fists tightly curled up.

"Well too bad as soon as the holidays start you have no power over me. For two weeks your rules are no more. No curfew. Desert for dinner." With every word he stepped closer to the woman, that looked like she wanted to curl up into a ball. "And you know what, professor? Maybe I will even buy a broom." Blaise and Daphne starred at him with open mouths and he could feel the stares on his back. "For two weeks I will live my Umbridge-free life and I will relish it." He was close now and looked down at the teacher. "Don't challenge me, Professor.", he whispered so only she could hear it.

During the breakfast the hall was uncommonly quiet. The conflict had left many silent and deep in thought. And there was also the fact that it was the last day before Christmas and many left early to pack their last things. All the Slytherins would go home for the holidays and Percy had thought if he should visit his mother but then again he didn't want to explain to the teachers how he had gone to America and back. Christmas would go as it had for the last two years, no gifts, no friend or family, just a normal day like any other.

When it was time to leave for the Hogwarts express, Percy followed them to the carriages to wave his housemates good bye. Daphne even had hugged him and he for this one time he hugged her in return.

"You really want to stay? All alone?", asked Daphne, one foot already in the carriage. "The invitation still stands."

"You know I have no problem with being alone.", laughed Percy and Daphne just smiled back at him.

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