Part 6

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"Erik, Erik baby wake up, we gotta go." I whispered as I shook him.

"Sweetie wake up." I whispered. I heard a small pout escape his lips.

"I know your tired sweetie but we need to go. Before Jason wakes up." I said. At this point I was desperate to leave. If Jason saw me trying to leave, he would hurt me badly. I tried to leave once, and it was the worst mistake ever. He found me and he beat me up constantly. Flash backs filled in my head of each time Jason beat me. I didn't want to be hurt anymore. I was tired of getting hurt and I wanted to leave so badly. 

"Erik come on sweetie." I said nicely. I sighed as I bent down and I wrapped my arms around him. I lifted him up and I rested him on my hip as he fell asleep on my chest. I grabbed his belongings and I walked out of his room. I silently closed the door and I walked out of the house. At this point, I fast walked down the streets. It was so cold and dark. The wind hit my face as I walked swiftly. I kept looking back, making sure he wasn't behind. I checked my pockets and I remembered i only have 20 dollars. I didn't know how we were going to survive. I didn't know where to go but I checked my phone to see that It was 2:30. I've been walking for 30 minutes. I breathed hard as I held Erik and I looked around. I saw a dark alley and I walked in there. I didn't know where else to stay so I sat up against the wall and I held Erik close. I shivered as I hugged him tightly, trying my best to keep him warm. I felt sick to my stomach that I was forced to make love with Jason. It was considered rape on my part. I didn't know what to do, where to go, or how I was going to make money. My phone would die soon and my money would run out quick in a few days. What would Erik think? What If Jason finds me? I slowly closed my eyes and I forced myself to sleep.

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