Chapter 1 / The Beginning of a Future

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After the union of the tribes, the trolls now live in harmony, and a new Age of trolls has started, several of them live together and begin to advance in troll technology, and among these is our beloved Branch, with a fantastic idea, making the first world time machine, it was an almost impossible idea, but he wouldn't give up easily, his girlfriend, the queen of pop trolls, supported his choices and dreams since he learned to be an even better leader, but the invention Branch was just between him and the Poppy
Branch spent months working on his great invention, he saw that he couldn't do it alone, so he asked the other troll leaders for help, but the Branch still didn't want to tell them about his invention and did his best not to be suspicious

Trollex: so why do you need so many wires and headphones?

Branch: oh! well... it's to build a new headset! for that I need several wires and a normal headset, right?

Trollex: yes... well, the choice is yours!


Trollzart: so you want me to fly to the top of that mountain to connect those wires to a power pole?

Branch: yes! is that I installed... a cinema! in my bunker and I need electricity to make the cinema w-work! and don't forget to wear protective gear!

Trollzart: alright, although you don't look like the guy who would set up a cinema in his own bunker, but opinions always change... so I'll do it for you

Branch: y-yes, yes! thanks!


Delta: why am I carrying all these metals?

Branch: I will make shields for... protection! after all, poppy says that violence is not the way, and we listen to each other's ideas, so instead of weapons, I will use shields!

Delta: well, you are lucky that i have free time and be very strong!


Quincy: Did you come to Vibe City to buy books about making machines?

Essence: we have many machines, wouldn't you like to take some and make your job easier?

Branch: i-im need books on machines, because I'm planning to advance more in technology in the pop village, you know about technology, you know what it is like to want to learn more about it, right?

Quincy: well, the doors of knowledge never close

Essence: if you want to know more about advanced technology, we will be happy!


Barb: I find it strange that a pop troll wants so many guitars!

Branch: actually i like to play guitar, and rock troll guitars have strong waves of power, and it will be very useful for me

Barb: i already know about your crazy invention, what is it, i don't know, but you can do it!


when the Branch returns to the Pop Village, the Snack Pack approaches

Cooper: hey Branch, mom and dad are in doubt about who will be the next leader of the funk tribe... they think it would be a little unfair for me not to have the chance to be the leader because I didn't grow up with them, but the Darnell grew between them and would know how to be a better leader... and I also think the Darnell would be better in the role of king of funk, but mom and dad are still in doubt... and hey! we know that you are making an amazing machine! does this machine make any troll smarter?!

Satin and Chenille: is it for making clothes?

Biggie: top hat for earthworms???

MR.Dinkles: mep!

DJ Suki: is it a rave machine??? me and King Trollex are planning several rave parties!

Smidge: it's to strengthen your muscles!

Guy Diamond: no! branch is making a machine for blasts of glitter!

Tiny Diamond: agree, daddy!

Branch: OHHH! CALM! they look excited! but I am sorry to say that it is not so

Snack Pack: *sad*

Branch: guys! I can do what you are thinking! but now i'm about to finish a time machine!

Snack Pack: TIME MACHINE!?

Branch: SHHH!!! lower your voice! are the first to know what my machine is about! well, poppy too... but please don't tell any other trolls! I want everyone to know only when the machine is working perfectly!

Snack Pack: OK!
*The Snack Pack leaves with anxiety*


Now! after some time when the Branch got all the equipment for his machine and finally finished, and after long tests... he finally decides that the first to see his invention will be Poppy and the other leaders!

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