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Bear with me here. I don't mean literally but maybe I do. 

So. After UTM, when Feyre has the PTSD, she loses a lot of weight. Like, a lot a lot. You would too if you puked your guts up every night and no one around you cared. Tamlin was completely oblivious to it. Like completely. He never noticed. Not even after Rhysand pointed it out, multiple times. While I was thinking about this topic, because I do that before I get out here and write it, I thought, what if Tamlin actually has bad eyesight for whatever reason and could actually not tell that Feyre was losing so much weight? But then I realized that that's not very likely, and he wouldn't have ignored it after Rhys pointed it out. There are 2 reasons this could have happened. 1) He was so busy trying to break the bond that he didn't actually notice, and after Rhys pointed it out multiple times, he just ignored it, or 2) he did notice and ignored it, even after Rhys pointed it out. Both paint him as a jerk. He is a jerk. 

My darling, however, noticed the minute he set eyes on Feyre after UTM. The second. The millisecond. And he pointed it out. I think this goes to show how much more Rhys cares about Feyre than Tamlin cares about Feyre. Even after Rhys pointed it out, Tamlin still did nothing! He did absolutely nothing! It was Rhys who noticed, Rhys who cared. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want a man who was so absorbed in his own life that he couldn't even notice that I weigh half of what I used to because of trauma I have from something I went through to prove my love for him. You?

Anyway, thanks for coming to my TED Talk. 

Rhysand vs. Tamlin: All the reasons why Rhysand is wayyyy better than TamlinWhere stories live. Discover now