25. Any Time, Any Place

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I don't wanna stop just because
People walkin' by are watching us
I don't give a damn what they think
I want you now
I don't want stop just because
You feel so good inside of my love
I'm not gonna stop no, no, no
I want you
All I want to say is
-Janet Jackson

She was hurt, but she was not surprised that Petite Trois ended. No, she was not ready to go out on her own, but she had to do what she had to do.

The first few days she cried her self silly. No one could console her. Not her mother, not Donnie. She wanted to be left alone. She wanted to call Ginger or Melodie and tell them she was sorry and that she needed them. But what did she do wrong? She loved to sing and she was good at it, no one was going to make her stop.

Once she got over the sadness, she decided it was time to take charge of her own life, and not cry to mommy and have her handle it. She went to see Spitfire.

"If the girls never come back, I want a solo deal," she told him.

"Your mother already worked that into your contract," he said with a grin. "Although, I didn't think you would be up for the challenge. You always used the girls as your crutch."

"Well, I can walk on my own. I can sing on my own. I write my own songs. I think I can do this."

"I know you can, baby girl," he said, hugging her.

She moved away from him. There was no telling what kind of slimeball move he would make on her. Now that she knew he and Ginger were sleeping around, she did not trust him.

"Will you give the other girls solo deals?"

"I can, if I want, although both their contracts were set up that if they leave Petite Trois, they leave the label."

"Humph!" She wondered if he would sign them to separate solo deals. She didn't even care at this point. "When can I start working on something?"

"Girl, this basically the house that M'Liyah built, so any time, any place."

After she left Spitfire, she flew to Toronto, Canada where Donnie was filming his next movie. He didn't know she was coming, but he knew she was still stressed about the group. Not having them, they had to cancel several performances and events they had. That freed up her schedule a lot.

Once she was allowed on the closed set, she walked around and everyone was staring at her and smiling and saying hello and fawning over her. She didn't realize she was that recognizable. She wore her locs down and wore big sunglasses and only traveled with her assistant, who after landing, went to get them situated at the hotel.

Donnie was in the middle of an action scene and it was the first time she got to see him work. He was good. Better than good, and he was sexy because the scene called for him to be shirtless. All that early morning working out was paying off well. She took off her sunglasses, biting unto the end, smiling as she watched him. Women could drool over him all they wanted, he was hers.

Once the director called cut, he got out of character and spoke with some crew about the shot. He did not even know she was there till one of the crew pointed out to him she was there. He looked up and smiled at her. He immediately walked toward her.

"Liy, what are you doing here?"


"Yes, I see that! I like surprises especially when it's you, beautiful," he said kissing her. "What's going on? Did something happen with you and the girls?"

"You know, when we first met, at the Grammy party and you told me I should go solo and I got so upset?"

"Yeah, but I meant it. I would want to hear you do your own thing. But if you want to try and make it work with the group, I support that as well."

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