9: getting revenge and getting hurt

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JJ's pov-

I grab my phone out of my pocket and call John B.

jb- hello?

JJ- are you with the pope?

jb- yes why?

JJ- I need you guys for something important

jb- what is it?

JJ- I'll explain when I see you, where are you?

jb- at home obviously

JJ- be there in 5

I get to John B's house and run straight inside "JOHN B, POPE!" I yell and they're in the living room "IN HERE!" I rush to the living room and stand in front of them "JJ what's wrong?" Pope asks "It's Rafe, Rafe hurt Stevie" John B stands up "Did you save her?" He asks "No she saved herself" John B looks at Pope "Let me guess you want us to help you deal with Rafe" I nod my head "Well I'm in" Pope stands up and walks over to me "Me too" John B hugs me quickly and we get in the van and drove to Figure Eight. "So what's the plan?" Pope asks "Just go find Rafe and kill him" I say "Kill him? You're joking right?" John B says "Does it look like I'm joking?" I give him a dirty look "Is Stevie okay with this?" Pope asks "I think she does, I just told her he won't touch her ever again" I continue driving "She will be pissed off if anything happens" John B says "Why?" I ask "Because it will all go back to her" Pope says sadly "No it won't!" I yell and they stay quiet. We finally get there and quickly talk about what we're going to do "So just casually walk around and see what happens?" John B looks at me "Yep and if we see Rafe, you know what to do" I look at them both and we walk together and start talking about surfing so we're not too obvious. We continue walking around until we see Rafe and Topper golfing, I pull the others into a bush "Okay so here's the plan-" I was cut off by Rafe and Topper "Oh look it's the pouges" Rafe comes towards us with Topper behind him "How can we help you three princess?" He asks, I stand up and then the boys do too and say "With this" I punch Rafe right in the face "What the fuck dude?" Topper yells at me "Your little boyfriend tried to assault STEVIE!" I yell "The Aussie?" Topper seems confused "Yes, my girlfriend" Before he could answer Rafe jumps on me and starts punching and John B tries to get him off and I get on top of him and punch him "Guys stop!" Pope tries to help John B "Why are you just standing around Topper?" John B yells at him and Topper tries to help as well and I punch him in the face "Pope I'll be back" John B goes away "WHAT!" Pope yells and he's still trying as well as Topper.

john b's pov-

"I'll be back" I tell Pope, "WHAT!" He yells at me, I grab my phone and call Stevie and I know I shouldn't but she might calm JJ down.

stevie- hello?

jb- stevie, i need you to come to figure eight

stevie- oh god, okay

jb- hurry!

I hang up and go back to help, "Where did you go?" Pope asks "I called Stevie, she's on her way" I whisper in his ear. "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!" I hear Stevie and everyone looks at her except JJ and Rafe they're still going "JJ MAYBANK!" He stops and looks at her "Oh shit, she's pissed" Pope looks at me "I know" I get up and move out of her way "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" She yells "I'm PROTECTING YOU!" He yells back "HOW?" He sigh's "HE'S NOT WORTH IT! I'D RATHER YOU BE HOME AND PROTECT ME THAN BE HERE TO GET HURT AND MAKE IT WORSE!" She yells "ARE YOU CRAZY? I'M NOT GOING TO LET THIS GO, HE TRIED TO HURT YOU!" He yells "MAYBE IF YOU WEREN'T A DICK AT SCHOOL NOTHING WOULD'VE HAPPENED!" She yells "OH SO IT'S MY FAULT THAT YOU CAN'T STOP ASKING QUESTIONS THAT DON'T NEED TO BE ASKED!" Pope and I look at each other "We should stop this" Pope says and I nod, I walk over to JJ and Pope grabs Stevie "Don't touch me man!" JJ pushes me "JJ calm down" I tell him "No I'm not going to, this isn't my fault!" He pushes me again and points in my face.

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