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Throughout the week I have been hangout a lot with Semi senpai, but it didn't sit well with some people.

"Coach, I think Semi senpai is too distracted by Hiromichan. All he does is stare at her."

"Well, at least he stares at a girl. You on the other hand just stare at your teammates."

This made me laugh which made Coach look at me.

Guess who took 2 extra laps the next morning...

Satori Tendo. This is war!


As I was handing out everyone's towel, I made sure I put extra attention to a special red-haired.

"Here you go Satori," I said as I smirked.

"I'll take the other one." He said.

Ha! I knew you'll take the bait.

I gave him the other towel and he took it suspiciously.

"Here just take this one." Semi offered.

"Well thank you," Satori replied.

As he put it to his face he started to itch really bad.

Semi and I started cracking up.

"Itchy itchy itchy." I teased.

"You guys are horrible! How could you SemiSemi!!" he yelled as he went to the restroom to watch it off.

"Payback for the hair dye," I said.

I still can't believe he put bleach in my shampoo. I'm literally a blonde right now.

"Wheres our guessing monster?" Coach asked, "He better not be wasting our time."

"I think he had a bad reaction to something and is in the bathroom coach," I said covering up for him. I may be evil enough to add itching powder to his towel but I'm not that evil enough to get him into anything serious.

"Oh okay. Get back to training everyone."


As the Nekoma team pulled up, I waited outside with Ushijima. He insisted to come with me, for 2 reasons. It's not "safe for a girl to be out here" and "it's disrespectful to not greet guess".

The coach had to leave early again and therefore I will be in charge of things.

Coach Nekomata got out first followed by the captain and the vice-captain I believe.

"Hello, coach. Thank you so much for coming all the way here for a practice match." I bowed along with Ushijima.

"Hello, I was informed to meet you. The coach had to leave early I believe."

"Yes sir." I turned around to the tall captain and said, "If you could please follow me, I will lead you to the dorms you'll be staying. They would be two beds in each dorm so, please inform your team to pick a partner."

"Sir, please follow me for your dorm. You'll be staying in the teacher area." Ushijima told the Nekomatasama.

"We'll meet back here once it's settled and head to dinner and then you guys have free time."

"Thank you for such accommodations." Coach Nekomata said.

"No problem. It's wonderful to have you guys here. Let me know if you need anything." I smiled.

Ushijima nodded and gestured for the coach to follow him.

"Hello, everyone! I am Hiromi Oikawa, the manager of the boy's volleyball team. I will now lead you guys to your rooms. Please stay inside your designated rooms after curfew. Yes, they are vending machines available on each floor. No, you can not leave campus. No, don't think about sneaking out. Any questions?"

"Hey, I'm Kuroo. I'm the captain of the team. My vice cap is Nobuyuki, Libro is Yaku. Yamamoto here is our wing spiker along with Shohei, that short blonde is our setter you can call him Kenma, and that tall stupid pole is Lev." Kuroo said as he continued to point out the players.

"Hello, please follow close or you'll get lost." I said and made our way to the boy's dorms. They would be staying on the floor below us.

"So, Hiromi.. Why do you sound familiar?" Kuroo said.

"You're right I think I heard her somewhere before..." Kenma stated.

"Ahh? I'm not sure? I lived in the states before living here."

When we walked into the lobby, I split people up so that we don't get squished in the elevator. After I pushed the buttoned and sent up the first group. I got in with the second group.

I was minding my business when I looked over and saw Kenma playing animal crossing.

"Hey, I like that game. We should add each other!" I said.

"Well, I didn't peg you for a gamer Hiromi." Kuroo said as he looked over the switch as well.

"Hey! That's offensive!"

"Kuroo leave her alone... You're attracting to much attention." Kenma said as he walked away.

"Don't take it personally. He's like that to everyone." He said as we walked out of the elevator after Kenma.

"Naww don't worry about it."

I turned around to gather everyone up and assigned the seats.

"Okay, guys! That's all for the night! Head back down to the lobby after unpacking and head to the cafeteria I showed you guys earlier for dinner! Please don't leave campus for it's hard to get past security." I bowed and waved goodbye.


Kuroo stopped as he saw Oikawa leave.

"Yo Kenma! Doesn't she sound familiar? I felt like I heard her voice somewhere..."

"For once Kuroo.... I think you're right. I think I know where she's from too."

"HUH?!? You do?"

"Yes don't worry. You wouldn't be interested."

Kuroo smirked and laid on his bed, "I beg to differ."

Kenma sighted and looked at his phone.

Hey! Long time no talk.

And with a click of a button he sent that messages to his fellow gamer girl.

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