The Courtyard, the Boy, and the Dead Girl

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Lena's POV

The courtyard is where people usually go on dates, picnics, watch the fireworks on the 4th of July, and do fun things in general. People go there to be happy. It's beautiful there. The most amazing weeping willow trees grow with their branches hanging down like comforting arms.

But further in, there's an abandoned church. It's been overcome with vines and weeds, mold covers all the seats, and cobwebs hang down like curtains. No one went inside for years.

Until 3 months ago.

Maya passed away. Know one knew why or how. She basically disappeared. Her parents said she was "missing" but, I knew she wasn't. I don't think they killed her, if that's what you're thinking.

But I know Maya better than anyone else. She wouldn't have just ran away. She knows she wouldn't last, and she was a tough cookie. If someone tried to touch her she'd work them over with a buttersock(if you know what I'm saying).

The only evidence of her death is that they found her somewhere in Brooklyn in the woods. It's wasn't gruesome. She was laying there peacefully in a bed of flowers. Naturally everyone was itching for an autopsy, but her parents had her cremated immediately.

I really somehow thought that maybe just maybe she'd return. In the middle of the night, I'd hear a knock, open the door and she be standing there grinning from ear to ear and scream "Gotcha!" But I've somewhat excepted now, that that's not going to happen.

She was amazing. Beautiful, blonde, skinny. She had every reason to be confident. And compared to my dark curly hair, and the fact that I was definitely thicker than her, she could have been the most secure girl around.

But I could tell she wasn't. She was insecure in her own skin. Cramming in the bathroom for the history tests she always failed, I'd see her look in the mirror. And she wasn't happy with the reflection. I always told her she was gorgeous and that she shouldn't be so unhappy with her image. But she would shrug it off like it was nothing.

I'd come to this courtyard so many times with her. She'd always tell me how sometimes at night she'd sneak in go into the abandoned church. She was rebellious if anything. That's certain. Yet whenever she tried to try to show me it, I was way too scared.

But as soon as I heard she was gone, the church was the first place I went.

I sat there for at least 3 hours sobbing, throwing rocks, swearing, basically throwing a fit like a five year old. Until I felt like someone or something in the room with me.

I was right.

When I turned, there was  a boy standing a the doorway. He walked slowing up right next to me and said, "I know how special she was to you, but being mad? It won't help anyone. She's not here anymore but she can hear you. Talk to her." He said.

I tried to speak but the lump in my throat made it too difficult to say anything. That and his intimidating icy blue eyes. He gave me a hug and left the way he came.

I didn't know what to do then. Who was he? He could be a cereal killer, I thought to myself. But something told me he wasn't. So I just started talking. Talking to Maya the way I used to. Laughing, making jokes, basically having a conversation with her, even if she couldn't respond. And then I smelled it. Her Wonderstruck by Taylor Swift perfume and really strong too. I felt as if she was suddenly with me.

So now everyday after to school, I go to the old abandoned church and talk with her. Just like the boy told me. I never had a chance to thank him. I wish I knew where he went. I wish I had said something.

So that place I told you about, where people go to be happy. That's the place I go to be sad.

The pic in the description is supposed to be Maya. I'm really excited to continue this story.

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