I am Aplha.

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        *Renna's POV*

         I do not recall much of the past two days, it feels like a blur. To be completely candid, life before I got here seems to be a full ache. As if it is fading from my memory. It's hard to recall the exterior of my own home now. I feel so paranoid and lost. Asa will not admit to having messed with me, which only makes me feel worse, combined with my back and stomach aches. Please do not let me start my period here. When confronted of his meddling, Asa just huffs at me or tries to push the moose on me. I finally broke over and asked him if he was a moose man. It ended bad. Real bad. I ended up locked in a closet for who knows how long, and it wasn't even silent or peaceful.  There were old smelly shoes in there, and he telepathically lectured me while I remained in the closet. Since I couldn't block his voice out, I started thinking about types of deer. I decided to think about all the reindeer movies in my mind, hoping he could see them too like a mental television screen. It was the mental image I conjured of his beast deer pulling a little sleigh in the sky that was the final straw. He yanked me out of the closet and busted my ass like a bratty child. I do remember though that Asa hurt me, and alpha too. I just can't bring myself to feel fury towards Asa. I know he's manipulating me and I can't override it. I can't break whatever pull he has on my mind or emotions. Sometimes I'm scared to even think.    

       It wouldn't be as bad if I could tap into his too. I want to read him, and know what type of person he is, but he has the personality of concrete. He is either bossy, or solemn and broody. His beast is quite animated though. It likes to whine, lick, puck and play. Last night it took over and tried to sleep beside me. He quickly shifted back though before it could destroy his beloved bed. He treats this bed like his security blanket. I believe because its huge and his feet don't hang off like they do on the couch.

      His stag shifted after breakfast this morning and carried me outside with it. He rutted all the trees he liked, then flopped beside me in the sun. It is a beautiful creature. Muscular and sleek. Tawny silken fur with muted gold and white dapples.  His coat slightly darker across his back and shoulders. White belly and chest. Lighter rings around his eyes. His antlers are thick and wide, curving gracefully like branches of a tree, but so very sharp. He breaks me from my thoughts with a deep chuckle.

       "We are glad you like him. If you listen closely you will hear brush moving in a moment.  We will have company. They are no threat to you." His voice fills my mind. I try to listen close, focusing on trying to pick up the guest. He bounces his head in amusement at my actions. He probably can see how hard I am trying to focus. Soon a lean tall man enters our clearing. I bow my head, the man smiles at me.

      "Asa, and mate, hello. I am sorry for my wandering, but my mate is missing. I followed her scent into this area but it vanished. Have you seen a brunette? She is tall, and very athletic. She can run very fast for a human female. It is unlike her to leave home." I can tell by his expression he is worried. This man looks younger, and of Hispanic descent.  His warm almond eyes scan anxiously around the clearing. I hope his girl is ok.

     "We haven't seen any females through here, but we've not been out long. Would you like help in your search Kaelin?" The man nods.

     "Please. She often runs, but around our home and through the day. She disappeared before light this morning.  I was out setting webs for fresh food. She likes the rabbits." He beams proud at the last part. I try to smile but my skin crawls. Webs. Spider. Man size spider. Oh God.

     "On." Asa demands,  I do not dispute but climb to his back. I do not want to be left behind after hearing that a woman is missing and under unusual circumstances. The man hands Asa a shirt and he smells. We split directions as we look for her. Asa looks high and low as he sniffs, even using his spread to jostle brush and dense grass to see if anything runs out. He back tracks eventually and we snake around in a weird pattern, soon bumping into Kaelin. Both guy and my beast are looking a bit gloomy. I hope this isn't a bad sign. I can feel my fear peaking now.

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