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Kentale mind ran a million places at once. He had to find out what was wrong with her and why would she just leave like that and not tell him ahead of time.

As Mr. Sage sat at his desk with head in his hand, Gioni stood on the other side of the glass door with a puffy face from the crying she was doing on the way to the office. She didn't bother to put makeup on today because not only was she sleep deprived but she was sure that Frederick Downs would have popped up least expected. She still cant believe he just came back and that snide smirk like he doesn't remember breaking her self esteem down piece by piece calling her fat like she would never find a man that wanted her or telling her she would never amount to anything but being a house wife that's good for nothing but lying on her back and carrying a fat ass around. she sat up all night reminiscing about the horrifying memories to remind herself that she is someone and that she is a woman and not a little naïve little girl anymore.

Finally getting up the courage to face him, she wiped her face and walked in. "Mr. Sage, you have a meeting in 20 minutes," she said loud enough for him to hear. His head snapped up quick enough  to think he got whiplash.His eyes were deceiving him, so she didn't leave him she just moved out. He had thought she left him all together. "GiGi why did u leave me, what is going on? is everything okay?" his questions came fumbling out of his mouth.She tried so hard to hold back tears , but the closer he got the more her tear ducts filled, that's when his last questions made them spill, " am I a bad boss? did you not enjoy yourself?" and there were the waterworks " im sorry Mr. Sage, you were an awesome boss but I have to leave this city before he comes back," she cries out hysterically. His mind went to one word she used as he consoled her---he. Who is this he and why would he come back...

After finally getting her to calm  down, he looked at her shivering still distraught, "Gioni Young, you need to tell exactly what is going on with you so I can help." he said staring at her puffy face. She took a deep breath and looked at his tie before looking at his face admiring his chocolate skin and began " Frederick Downs, the man that ruined me for everything, took away the part of me that kept me whole, made me think I  was at  fault for losing my first and only child, he made believe I was nothing and he beat me down if I didnt have his items ready for him when he made it home. I had a little boy and I was 5 months pregnant, just having found out the gender i was excited to share the news and go shopping but considering I was  only 21 years of age i had no clue the man I once would of loved would have made me give up my child at the tender age of 21. i was forced to carry my child up to term only for him to say "I dont want that boy I want a girl" I was  broken but I was gonna take care of my son no matter what but once it was time to have him, my son my Ahmad was a stillborn child. I cried for months after having him because his father was gonna make me give him up for adoption, from then on, I just knew he would never be nothing besides a scum bag"  she managed to say in between hiccups and tears. Kentale looked at her with sympathy in his eyes. the only thing he wanted to do was find this DOWNS person and make him pay.

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