Lovely sugar

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Suga had woken up by Oikawa above him. "Morning" Sugawara had said getting changed so he didn't have to change with Oikawa watching him. Little did suga know he was starring at suga

Has suga had finished he turned out the door he packed the milkbread in Oikawa lunch. He heard footsteps and knew it was Oikawa "here" Sugawara had given him the lunch

"Thanks kou-Chan" Oikawa had patting his head and smiled "let's get going" Oikawa took the boys hand.

Once it was lunch time suga wanted to talk with Oikawa he wasn't able to since he was in a higher class he turned the corner and saw him talking to a girl Sugawara's heart had began to sting just like it had been with Daichi but maybe worse. He walked away  suga had told the nurse he felt sick she gave him a note "I know you aren't sick I've seen sick kids for the longest time but go home you look upset" she winked at him and gave him a thumbs up. "Thank you."

Suga sat down in an allyway and began to cry he didn't know why he was crying they were just talking but maybe it just reminded him of Daichi and that girl who stole him so easily and now it was Oikawa who was being stolen.

"Hey uh suga-San..right?" And small haired boy at sat down next to suga, Sugawara remembered him I mean he was Dating Hinata now.

"Hey kenma what are you doing all the way over here?" Sugawara looked up at Kenma looked away seeing Sugawara's red and puffy face not knowing how to help.

"Hinata wanted me to meet him here to well see you. I heard you left and he wanted to give you cookies" Kenma said and rubbed the back of his neck

Sugawara got up and smiled "let's go then" Kenma had saw Sugawara's painfully fake smile and sighed.

"Suga-San what happe-" Kenna was cut off by and yell "SUGA-SAN AND KENMA!!!!!!" Hinata jumped on Sugawara and gave him the biggest hug

"Gwah I'm so happy Kenma found you! We were gonna go to your school but we found you here isn't that cool!" Hinata had smiled big

"Ah yes Hinata that's very cool" Sugawara patted Hinata's head.

"Wanna go eat somewhere?" Sugawara had asked "it's on me"


Kenma looked at Sugawara seeing maybe this is what he needed a distraction from whatever had happened "yeah we can go" they began to walk to a small shop

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