Chapter 1 - A Lonely Life

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Was it Real?

Chapter 1: A Lonely Life

Someone once thought.. Life is not all about happiness...

| 8:00 A.M. |

It was a bright and sunny day. Morning came by. A 16 year old boy had taken a bath, dressed up for his school wearing his white uniform and dark grey pantsHe then took his breakfast. After that, he stood to the front door as he is about to leave the house.

"Phone....I.D. check!"

"Everything's ready!"

"I'm off now mom" He said as he reach out the door.

"Have a nice day!" His mom said as she wave goodbye.

He walked out of the house with morning breeze came right through him, slowly looking up at the morning clouds above him. Wore his earphones on, listening to music while walking, the 16 year old boy, going on his way to school.

His name is Ookamine Yuuki.

Morning breeze keeps swaying his black hair across the street. Because of it, some dust came right to his grey eyes which he closed it for under maintainance.

"Jeez.. morning dusts..." He said as he rubbed both of his eyes.

He's the type of guy who is a lone type, doesn't get along with people that much.

Yeah we know, he's an anti-social. A guy who is always a lonewolf. He was actually a cheerful type in middle school, but he's no longer that boy anymore.

Ookamine Yuuki POV

Right now I'm going to school as the same, it is hellish for me, since I don't get along that much to my classmates nor students around the school.

I don't know how... but sometimes it's fine for me.

Moments later, I'd reach my school. Looking at the sky, notice how big my school is yet I'm already in high school. The size of it shows there's only 1 like me compared to how many students inside of it.

And there I am.... only one and alone in a big building.

I'd walk through the entrance of our school, looking to my left and right, my heart felt a bit torn down. Until I walked through the second floor, it feels like everything I am seeing, its hurts me so bad. Looking down, it made think.

Students are chatting...

Students are laughing...

They are all having fun...

What about me... What am I doing...?

After that, I'd reached my classroom 1 - A. I took off my headphones then opened the sliding door.

"Good Morning..." My words suddenly became soft because nobody even paid attention to me.

All this time...

Nobody even bother to notice me.

I sat down at my chair at the very corner at the back besides the window waiting for our teacher, putting down my bag at my side. I took out a book for myself to relax myself and had myself some time.

No one would even bother nor I have any friends to talk to... so why not read anyway.


It is like they don't even know I exist.

Upon reading my book, without me noticing, I heard a girl voice calling me and asked, "Hey Yuuki-san, can I borrow your math assignment?"

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