Chapter 2

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I took my books out of the locker and headed for my first class . I tried to block the snide comments and tried not to trip over the trash they were throwing at me. I was glad that I let my hair loose today so that no one can see the scars on my face.

I was just five steps away from the door of my first class when a hand pulled me back and into the janitors closet.

I came face to face with the populars
of the school and seeing the looks on their face was enough for me to shit in my pants.

"Where do you think you were going slut" the king of the school Mark said

"I.. I w-wa-as" I stuttered while answering  them.

"You what bitch? " Mark best friend Devin sneered

"I w-was going to class s-ir"I managed to say.

He pulled my hair back and gasps could be heard by the queen of the school Kaitlyn and her minions.

"Ewwww what did I just looked into. She has such an ugly face. You deserve to die " Stated Kaitlyn

"Do wanna mess her up more?" Mark asked her girlfriend.

"Go ahead but just don't kill her not like anyone would care "Kaityln said

Mark slapped me first in the face while Devin punched me on the stomach. All the time Kaitlyn and her minions were laughing.

I was finally pushed and I feel on the floor. I tried to gasp for air and made a very humiliating sound.

"Oh gosh I can't be around this person anymore. Look how pathetic she is" Mark said

They all agreed and literally stepped on me while going out.

I knew I was pathetic and worthless but they didn't need to remind me everytime.

I tried to get up but the pain restrained me to do so. I took out a painkiller from my pocket and eat it.

After a while I made my way out..

(Time skip)

I made my way out of my last class and was just headed to the door when  an announcement was heard.

"Heaven Wilson please report to the principal office right now"
Dread settled on me. What if John and Grabiel have found me? I can't even imagine what will they do to me for running away.

I made my way to office and shakingly knocked on the door . I heard a faint come in

I took a deep breath and entered .

I looked around the office but couldn't see a sign of my step brothers but there in the office was a lady and a  very scary looking man.

"Come in Heaven"the principal an old stout man told me softly.

I didn't answer him. Just kept staring at the floor. Was I in trouble? No I don't think so. Then why did he call me?

I was taken out of my train of thoughts when I heard the woman saying.

"Hello Heaven" She said but I kept looking at the floor. "I am Miss Katy from social services".Now that catched my attention.

"Ye-s ma-am? " I tried not to stutter

"Well Heaven I got a call from a friend of yours Lily I guess. She told me that you were missing for past five days. I went to your house"She stopped and looked at me before continuing in a sympathetic voice. " We went to your house but no one was there so we posted a picture of yours in the local newspaper with your details ".

She put a picture of me in the newspaper oh god John nad Grabiel would kill me for bringing attention to them.

"And we were able to find your family. We would do a DNA test but you look so much like your brothers that we don't need to but still for formality basis it's important. " She said

My eyes widened. I looked nothing like my brothers.

"We got to know that you lived your step brothers but your biological family got the custody of you "
Wait whatt? I was confused. I had a family? A blood one?

"Yes you have a family"said Miss Katy as of reading my mind " And this is your second oldest brothers Lucas"she said pointing towards the man who I almost forgot was there.

I looked at Lucas who smiled at me his eyes soft. He looked just like me. He had a nice smile but he carried an aur of authority. His wore a smart grey suit .

"Hello sweetheart " He came to hug me and I stiffened but gave it back to him

He smiled while sitting down again.
Why is he being nice to me? I am not worthy for someone to like me an-

I again was cut out of thought by Miss Katy.
"You will move to Los Angeles with them today dear but the question is where were you for the past five days and why didn't your brother filed your missing report"

Oh shit..

Heyy beautiful people. Two chapters in one day lol. I am trying to upload as soon as possible. I will upload the photos of brothers real soon.

How was this chapter??

What do you think about Heaven??

Thanks for reading ❤❤

Our HeavenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz