Chapter 7

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I layed on the bed staring at nothing in particular. Silence engulfs me. As I look around my bedroom I feel it.

It's going to be a new start for me.

Good or bad time will tell..

I was awestruck when I saw the room which I have started calling mine.
It was big enough to have fifty people in here. I have my very own closet as well as a personal washroom.

The clock on my bedside showed quater to eight.In fifteen minutes I have to go down stairs for dinner.

I pulled myself up and washed my face. I stared at my reflection. I could see a pale girl having bags under her eyes. Her lips dry and eyes looked like they haven't had sleep for years.

I looked broken..

I took two painkillers and made my way to the kitchen. I was glad I remembered when Lucas was showing me to my room.

I took a deep breathe before entering. To my distress only three people were present.

Damien smirked as he watched me come in while Armani and Liam looked at me weirdly.

Not bothering to say anything I took a seat next to the head chair and sat down with my eyes on my the table and hair covering my face.

After two minutes of uncomfortable silence someone grabbed my arm and I came face to face with Damien

"No one wants you here. We never did. You are just a waste of space. You were never supposed to come here. Leo only took you in so it wouldn't ruin his image . They will soon realise that you are just a whore and throw you out. You will do whatever the three of us tell you to do without question or there will be consequences. Got it? "

As Damien finishes his little speech I could hear Armani and Liam snickering.

I felt tears brimming in my eyes and I could see a flash of hurt on Damien face but as soon as it came it got away and was replaced by his infamous smirk.

"I-I  U-Understand"I said

At that moment Leo and Lucas made entry and as if sensing the uncomfortable atmosphere Lucas asked

"Everything alright? "

"Could never be better"Liam said rather too enthusiastically

Lucas  ignored it and took his seat in front of me while Leo sat at the head of the table.

I tried blinking away the tears forming and was successful in doing so. I peeked a glance at the trio and saw them giving me Tell-them-and-you-are-dead looks

"You will be starting school  on Monday"Leo informed me breaking my train of thoughts

I nodded and continued to stare at the table avoiding looking at anyone.

"Verbal responses girl" I looked up and saw Leo looking at me with a stern expression.

I quivered but responded

"Yes I understand "

Leo was about to say something else when two loud voices interrupted him. Aldo and Matteo entered while what u think was supposed to be singing.

"If we were a movie you had been the right guy

And I be the best friend that you fall in love with.

Yay e yaayy "

"Watching the sunset fade to black

Play that happy song "

I thought the they were finished but boy was I wrong.

Aldo stepped on the chair while holding Matteo's hand and gave a screeched so loudly that I was sure that my ears have started bleeding.

Everyone had a look of disdain and shock on their faces. Lucas looked like he was about to cry while Liam and Armani who were the closest to him were on the verge of fainting.

And then pure silence...

No one dared to say anything..

And then the words which brought us back to present

"What was that"Leo harshly exclaimed

Aldo still standing on chair looked at us innocently and said
" We were just welcoming our baby sister to our house. "

"Then what was that ?"Lucas whispered still not recovered from shock

"We were singing Hannah Montana songs as everyone of her age loves her. I mean have you seen him and Jake together. I have always rooted that couple"Matteo exclaimed

I could still hear ringing in my ears . I was shocked . Liam and Armani came back from the shock and got up from the chairs making cracking sound with their fingers as they approached the two marvellous singers.

They both audibly gulped and took a step back. Before Liam or Armani could launch on them Leo intervened
"Stop it boys "

"But th-"Armani started but one glare from Leo was enough to make all of them sit in their respective seats.

"Liam and Armani  you are grounded for a week for attempting to start a fight with your twins". Both of them groaned as Leo continued" And you both "Looking at Matteo and Aldo" are from now on banned to sing in the house or anywhere. "

All four of their faces dropped as Leonardo made the verdict  .

But Matteo suddenly cheered up as he asked me hopefully" You love Hannah Montana right? "

Not knowing who she was I just said yes not wanting to disappoint Matteo as I looked at his expectant face.

Both Aldo and Matteo clapped and started jumping on their chairs

"Heaven"Leo called me

"Yes sir? "I asked and suddenly the room temperature dropped as the conversations  stopped and there was a pin drop silence.

I looked at Leo and cowered back seeing his angry stare.

"What did you just call me ? "Leo glowered


Hey guys what did you think about this chapter?

It is the longest chapter of all so I hope you liked it. I will update the next chapter in two to three days.

Thanks for reading📖. Love you all loads ❤

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