Chapter 3

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^Lucas car

"Umm.. Wel-l  y-ou s-ee I w-as j-ust " I stuttered.

"You were what baby? "Lucas asked intervening in between

"I j-ust need s-som-e tim-e to clear th-ing-s out " I managed to say

"What things made you run away from your house for five days dear? "Miss Katy asked softly

"Yo-u k-now some sch-oo-l stuff".I said and mentally faced palm myself on not coming up with a good lie

None of them seemed to believe me but didnt push me either which  I was glad about.

I looked down again letting my hair cover my face while trying not to squirm under their stares.

Lucas at last cleared his throat and I stole a glace at him in between my hair and saw him smiling warmly at me. I couldn't help but feel content.

"Well we need to get going princess. We have a plane to catch" Lucas said while standing up. He turned to Miss Katy and said"We will be in contact".Miss Katy nodded in response

Lucas came to me and pulled my chin up. I was glad I had put up on make up so he couldn't see my ugly face.

"Let's go sweetheart".Lucas  then took my hand in his and I flinched a little which sadly didn't go unnoticed by the him. I looked up and saw him staring at me in confusion but luckily didnt commented on it.

We went out of the school building and into  the open parking lot where noone was there expect to my shock and doom only the populars.

I come at a halt when I saw them which made Lucas look down at me and then at then .

"You can say goodbye to your friends bambina (baby) . I don't mind waiting for you"Lucas said.

I started to protest but he was already walking away to the opposite side to a brand new looking sports car.

"Hey Heaven come on here"One of my tormentors shouted at me. I looked back at Lucas and saw him talking to someone on his phone facing away from me. I didn't want him to think that I was weak and couldn't handle a few bruises. I wanted him to like me.

Now I had no choice but to go to the populars . I slowly and carefully made my way to the populars.

When I reached near their car Devin took my hand and slammed my back on the back of the car I'm a way where Lucas couldn't see what was going on.

"Heard you are going away bitch"Katy sneered at me.

"Now who is gonna be our punching bag?"Mark joined in with her

"Let's have fun with her for one last time  " One of the minions remarked as Devin raised his hand  to slap me. I gulped in fear and shut my eyes close and took the blows whimpering.

After a while they stopped and I didn't even noticed that I had curled in a ball on the floor. Luckily they didn't hurt my face.

"Your brothers will soon realise that you are nothing but an attention seeking whore. No one loves you bitch".Mark said and giving me a final kick on my already broken ribs before walking away with his friends.

I stayed there in the same position for five mins before composing myself . It took a lot of effort of me to stand up the pain growing per second.

When I finally managed to get on my feet I looked in the car window to see my reflection. I saw a girl with pale face and dull eyes. I looked weak and hated myself for that.

I walked more like limped to Lucas expensive looking car and saw him texting on his phone while sitting on the driver's seat. He looked up and smiled  when he saw me walking towards the car.

He opened the passenger seat by bending sideways for me to enter.
I carefully sat down trying not make the seat dirty.
I shyly looked up at Lucas when I felt him staring at me. He chuckled and patted my head while I was successful in not giving any indication that I was scared.

He pulled back his hand and onto the driving wheel and looked down at me again to ask"Do you want to take something from your house? Though we will provide you with everything you might ever need"?

I immediately said no which I know seemed suspicious but to my luck Lucas didn't argue with me. I couldn't risk taking Lucas to my house or the alley which had been my home for five days. I didn't want him to look down on me and also there was nothing such special in my possesion that I would like to take with me.

Lucas nodded at that. "Go to sleep bambina".I will wake  you up when we reach airport.

I meekly said yes avoiding eye contact and tried to sleep. I soon fall into dreamless slumber not aware what was happening around me.

Thanks for reading ❤❤❤❤. Next chapter would be of Lucas pov.

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