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High School AU
Location: Neverland University

(C/N) means your crush's name


Neverland University. A school that I've been going to for so long.

After eating my breakfast, I left my house and smiled at the sight of my best friends waiting for me outside of my house. "Good morning guys!" I beamed.

"Good morning Y/N!!" Emma squealed as she gave me a tight hug. "Good morning Y/N," Norman greeted while giving me a warm smile. "Morning," Ray smiled, givng me a small salute. I pulled away from Emma and hugged Ray before hugging Norman as well.

As I pulled away from the blonde, we still have our arms on each other and we smiled. One of the best things about Norman is looking into his baby blue eyes.

"Let's go to school," Emma said. She grabbed onto my hand and we walked a little ways a head of the two guys. "So you and Norman," the orange haired girl smirked at me while wiggling her eyebrows. "What? Don't give me that look," I said while giving her a slight push. "Oh come on! You two would be perfect for each other. I can tell that he likes you and you like him," Emma encouraged me.

"No he doesn't. Norman does not like me, ok?" I told her off. "Y/NNNN," Emma whined. "Emmaaaa," Y/N mocked her. "I'm just saying--"

"What are you girls talking about?" Ray interrupted as moved to walk next to Emma with Norman beside me. "Thank you Ray. I'll buy you lunch later," I said in relied. "I don't know what I did, but thanks. I can't say no to free food," Ray smirked. "Who says no to free food?" I said.

Ray chuckled while nodding his head. We continued our journey to school until we reached the school grounds. "Ok I'm off to History class bye guys. I'll see you later," I said.

"I'll walk you," Norman quickly said. I felt myself blush even though Norman does this to me countless of times. I smiled at the blonde and grabbed his arm, "Let's go," I said, "I have to get something from my locker though. Wait don't you have to meet up with the teachers to discuss about the student council?"

"That can wait," Norman assured me. "Well we'll see you later Y/N and Norman. Come on Ray," Emma waved at us before dragging Ray with her.

Norman and I walked to my locker as I grabbed my books. "Let me carry your books," he offered. "Are you sure?" I asked. Norman simply nodded his head and took my books from me. "Thanks Norman," I smiled. I closed my locker and we walked to class.

"Thanks Norman," I said again, he followed me inside and placed my books on the table. "Anytime. I'll see you later," he smiled. "Hi Y/N. Good morning," I turn around to see my crush, (C/N) smiling at me. "H-Hey," I stuttered out and mentally slapped myself.

I hear Norman scoff as he glared at (C/N) who quickly looks away from the blonde. I slapped Norman's arm and looked at him, "Stop that. You're scaring him," I whined. "Good. Seriously Y/N, what do you see in him? He looks like a dick and he has bad reputation," Norman said.

I sighed and wrapped my arms around him and gave him a hug, to which he returned. We hugged each other for a few seconds but we have to pull away when the bell rang. "Go on. I don't want you to be late for your meeting," I said.

Norman smiled at me and left the room. I ran a hand through my hair and sat down once the teacher walked inside the room. (C/N) and I smiled at each other before I focused on class.

Norman's POV

It was almost lunch time when my meeting with the teachers are done. I left the room and was about to walk towards Y/N's recent class so we can have lunch together. I suddenly heard by a group of guys talk by the locker area. I don't really mind but when they mentioned Y/N's name, I froze.

It's bad enough that they're not in class, and now they're planning something on Y/N.

I quickly hid behind the corner and listened. I glared when I saw that (C/N) is one of them.

"Are you backing out now, bro?"

"No! I was suppose to ask her out but none of mentioned she's friends with Norman," (C/N) said.

"So what?"

"If she's friends with Norman, then she's probably friends with Emma and Ray as well. Those three are the most well known students of this school. They have access to anything, and they hold everything here," (C/N) insisted.

"Forget about those three. What are they gonna do? Do you wanna loose a hundred bucks?"

"A hundred bucks. Ask Y/N to be your girlfriend for three months then break her heart. You get the cash"

My eyes widened. I know how much Y/N adores that guy, she'll be heartbroken once she finds out. I watched as they make their way towards Y/N's room and just as the bell rang, I followed them.

"Hello Norman," the teacher greeted me. I gave her a kind smile and approached Y/N who is already talking to (C/N). I have to act fast.

"Hey Y/N. Ready to have lunch?" I asked her. "Oh I was actually gonna have lunch with (C/N)," Y/N said. "But Emma has something important to say to us and Ray," I lied. "Wait she does? Uhm (C/N) can we reschedule?" Y/N turned to the bastard of a guy who nodded his head, gave her a smile and left.

I grabbed Y/N's books and bag and we walked to the cafeteria. "Hi guys, took you long enough," Emma greeted. Y/N and I sat next to each other and smiled at the other two. "So Emma what do you want to talk about?" Y/N asked.

The orange haired girl looked at her in confusion. My eyes widened and I looked at Emma, giving her eye signals to go along with it. "T-Talk about what?" Emma asked.

Ray must've caught me as he decided to help out. "Y'know you said you have to discuss about... That thing," he said. Emma furrowed her eyebrows in confusion until her eyes widened. "Oh yeah! Y/N I want you to come with me to the mall after school to buy a gift for Miss Isabella," she said.

"Sure thing," Y/N smiled. I let out a sigh as Ray gave me a look that says "We'll talk later" and I nodded my head at him.


It's been a week since I heard (C/N) made a bet about Y/N. I already informed Emma and Ray about this bet and they helped me keep Y/N away from him.


"(C/N) is such a dick," I mumbled. I gathered Emma and Ray in the student council room as I wanted to talk to them about what I just heard from the said bastard.

"(C/N)? Isn't he the guy that Y/N has a crush on?" Ray asked while setting his book down to listen to me. Emma plopped down on te couch next to him as I kept pacing back and forth. "Yeah. He's not all that great to be honest," I mumbled.

"How come?" Emma asked. "I heard him... I heard him talking to his sick friends and they were making a bet to play with Y/N," I growled while balling my hands into a fist in anger.

"No!" Emma gasped. "Why would someone want to hurt Y/N's feelings?" Ray hissed. "Exactly! (C/N) doesn't plan to because he's scared of us but his friends insisted he should do it for a hundred bucks," I explained.

"Wht's your plan Norman?" Emma asked. "The bet will last for three months. As much as we can, we have to keep Y/N away from the douche," I said. Ray and Emma smirked at me and nodded their head.

*End of flashback*

"Hey Norman!"

Y/N happily greets me as she skipped her way to me. I'm curently inside the student council room as I'm finishing up some papers. "What's gotten you all happy?" I asked her. "(C/N) asked me to have dinner with him tonight!" Y/N squealed while jumping up and down.


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