Getting Asked Out:

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Non spoiler !!!
Highschool AU
Location: Neverland University

Third Person's POV

Norman is pissed. So pissed.

He watched as Y/N is laughing at something Ray told her. Norman balled his hands into a fist while watching the two interact. "Norman!" Emma shrieked.

The blonde looked down to see that he squeezed his plastic cup of juice so hard, the liquids spilled out. "What's wrong with you?" Emma asked. "I'm sorry. I just remembered a certain student that pissed me off the other day," Norman growled. Y/N saw this and took some tissues from her bag and gave it to the blonde. "Thank you," Norman smiled and wiped the juice off the table and his hand.

The bell rang and all the students left the cafeteria to go to their next class. The four friends head to the student council room to get their work done. Y/N has free period and insist on helping her friends.

"Can you help me with the papers I need to finish by the end of the day?" Ray asked, motioning to a huge pile of papers on his desk. "Sure. It's not like I have something better to do," Y/N shrugged. She helped him carry some of the papers. "Emma I'll come back in a few minutes to accompany to talk to Miss Isabella," Y/N said.

"Sure," Emma replied. Norman frowned while watching the two leave the room, leaving him with the orange haired female. "Spill," Emma sat on a chair in front of Norman's desk. "Spill what?" the blonde asked before taking a sip from Y/N's mug.

"Why you're giving death glares at Ray," Emma shrugged. Norman stopped sipping and looked at his friend with his eyebrow raised. "Why would you think I hate Ray?" he asked.

"Maybe because Y/N's been spending time with him? Maybe because you like Y/N," Emma answered. Norman's eyes widened as he tried to escape Emma's question. "I-I don't like Y/N--"

"Norman I know you. We've been friends since we were kids, along with Y/N and Ray. I honestly think she'd catch on," Emma giggled. "Was-Was I being too obvious?" I asked. "Yeah! Y/N's just too oblivious to notice but I can tell that she likes you!" the orange haired girl beamed.

Norman starts blushing like crazy as Emma figured him out. "Just tell her that you like her," Emma said.


"Why not? You two will be the power couple of Neverland University," Emma said while lightly shaking Norman's arm. "How sure are we that she likes me? If I tell her how I feel and she thinks of me as a friend things will get awkward between us," Norman explained.

Emma frowned and suddenly she smiled as if a lightbulb appeared on top of her.

*with Ray and Y/N*

"Thanks for helping us Y/N," Ray said after the two took a seat and started reading over the papers. "Anytime. I prefer doing something productive than just sit around and stare off into space," Y/N smiled as Ray smirked at her statement.

"So..." Ray began. "So?" Y/N asked as she took a sip from her drink that Ray bought for her before they found a place to settle down and work.

"You like Norman don't you"

Y/N immediately spat the drink out of her mouth amd glared at the raven haired male. Ray chuckled, "You do, don't you."

Y/N gave him a look. "Ok so I have a crush on Norman--"

"A crush?" Ray raised an eyebrow.

"Fine! I like Norman! So what? I doubt he's looking for someone to date right now," Y/N mumbled. "You're so negative," Ray commented. "Wow speak for yourself," Y/N sassed. Ray playfully rolled his eyes. "Alright tease me more and I won't get any work done. I still have to help Emma," Y/N said.

"This conversation isn't over," Ray pointed the end of his pen in Y/N's direction. Y/N shook her head and the two starts working.

After a little while, Y/N checked her phone and saw a message from Emma.

Carrot 🥕:
You're still gonna help me right?

Y/N quickly replied with a 'sure I'll be there' before looking at Ray. "Hey is it ok if I leave now? I think Emma and I are gonna talk to the teachers now," she said. Ray nodded his head, "Sure thing. Thanks for the help Y/N."

"Anytime," she neatly arranged the papers. She grabbed her bag and left the table to return to the student council room to get Emma. She walked inside and found only Norman sitting on his desk.

"Hey," she greets. Norman looks up from the papers to see the (h/c) haired girl by the door. "Hi. Do you need anything?"

"I was suppose to help Emma, where is she?"

"Emma just left," Norman answered. "Crap," Y/N whispered to herself before dropping her bag by the door and make her way to the coffee/tea table.

"Coffee or tea?"

"Hmm? Oh tea please, thank you," Norman smiled. Y/N proceeds to make their drink before carefully balancing both hot cups in her hand and walk to the blonde's table, setting his drink near him.

"Thank you," Norman smiled. "Anytime. So can I help in any way?" Y/N asked. "Don't you have class?" Norman asked. "I still have forty-five minutes. I wanna hell you guys instead of doing something unproductive," Y/N explained.

Norman and Y/N helped each other on whatever he was doing. Norman kept looking up to watch the girl in front of him who is occasionally tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. After a while, the two finished their work in time for the bell to ring, signalling Y/N's math class is start.

"Oh my God, I hate math. Is there any way for either you or Emma or Ray to tell my teacher I can't make it because I'm sick or something?" Y/N groaned.

Norman chuckled as he rose from his seat and helped the girl up. "Come on now. After school I will help you with you lesson," he offered before grabbing Y/N's  bah and the two walked to the classroom.

"Thanks for walking me to class," Y/N smiled. Norman looked inside the room and waved at the teacher before looking at Y/N once again. "It's the least I can do after you helped us during you free period," he answered and handed her her bag.

Y/N smiled and hugged the blonde before waving at him and was about to walk inside when Norman stopped her. "Hey uhm... Oh gosh why is this so embarrassing for me... Do you-Do you have plans this weekend?" he asked while nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"Not that I know of, why?" Y/N shrugged.

"Will you go on a date with me?" Norman asked.

Y/N smiled and pressed a kiss on his cheek and the tip of his nose. "Sure thing albino," she smirked, "See you at lunch."

With one final wave she turned around and walked to class.

Norman fist bumped the air and felt like a weight was lifted off his shoulders. He literally have a huge smile on his face while walking back to the student council room to be greeted by his two best friends.

Ray was the first to notice the blonde and smirked at him. "You look happy," the raven haired male commented, setting his pen down. Emma turned around after ending a call with someone and also noticed Norman's huge smile. "Did something happen?" she asked.

"I just got a date with Y/N this weekend," Norman smiled and sat on his chair. He noticed Emma and Ray high fived each other and raised an eyebrow at them.

"Emma literally texted me saying you like Y/N. I informed Emma that Y/N is leaving the library so she can go to Miss Isabella ahead," Ray explained. "Y/N came here and accompanied ya. Your talk gave you the courage to finally ask her out," Emma finished.

Norman could only look at his friends in shock before giving the two a hug. "Thanks guys. I'm buying you lunch later," he said.


"Nice free food,"

Norman chuckled at their comment.


𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙚𝙙 𝙣𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙 [ 𝒏𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒏 𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔 ]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin