Chapter 3

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Y/n pov

I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I roll out of bed and fall on the floor and a loud 'Thump' was heard from the other room. I get off the floor and Saeko comes in my room half asleep. "You okay?" She asked rubbing her eyes. Usually Tanaka gets up on his own and goes to morning practice on his own so me and Saeko stay asleep for another hour or so. I respond with a groan and a "yeah, I'm fine" and get some clothes for practice also the ones I have to return to Kiyoko. I put the clothes in my bag and put my uniform on. I head out of my room and grab some juice from the fridge. "I didn't think you would wake up early, come on we better get going" says Tanaka as he walks out the door I yell "Bye Big Sis!" and ran out the door. I ran to catch up to Tanaka and tapped him on the shoulder and said "Goodmorning big bro" and then I flashed a smile. "Goodmorning n/n" he says and turns back to face the street in front of him. I am almost tackles by a small person jumping on my back. Before I looked back I knew who it was. "Goodmorning Noya" you say and push him off your back. "Did I scare you?" He asks. "No, sorry dude". He asks what "is wrong with Tanaka". "Oh, he's very tired." You tell him. "He is trying to get a good grade on his exam so he's been studying like crazy". "Ok that makes sense." Noya says and you guys keep walking. You get to school with Noya and Tanaka and walk into the gym. We enter and I go up to Kiyoko to give her the clothes you borrowed the day before. Then Hinata walks into the gym with Kageyama behind him and they're arguing about something stupid ofcorse because why wouldn't they. The coach calls me over because he wanted to talk to me. Everyone was confused to hear coach call across the gym for me. I walked up to him and asked what he called me over for.

Ukai pov

I see y/n but didn't expect to see her at morning practice. I called for her to come over because I thought about what Kiyoko said the night before. She walked over to me and politely asked "what did you call me over for sir". I told her what Kiyoko said to me last night. "Are you good at volleyball" I asked her. "Oh um, yeah I'm pretty good, why?" She said with a confused look on her face. "What position do you play?" I asked her. She looked confused but finally answered and said "I play Libero and sometimes middle blocker" I looked her up and down and said "That's Incredible!" I said and she was shocked. I asked her "would you like to be on the team".

Y/n pov

He looked at me shocked. "That's Incredible!" He shouted very loudly. Then he asked me. "Would you like to be on the team." I couldn't believe what I heard. He wants ME on his team. "I would love to." I said with a huge smile on my face. I walked over to Kiyoko happy as ever. "Thank you!" Then I gave her a big hug. "Oh, your welcome. I'm glad I helped". My brother comes over and asks what is happening. "I am on the team" I say very exited. Tsukishima comes over and says " being a manager isn't all that exciting you know." Before I could say anything my brother interrupts. "She can be exited if she wants t-". I tap him on his shoulder and gave him a stare. I gave him the back off stare. I finally say "no, I get to play volleyball with all you guys" everyone froze. Kageyama comes over and says "But this is a boys team, isn't it?" He questioned. "Coach asked me to join so I guess not." I flash a sarcastic smile to both of the scowling giants behind everyone else wgo were saying stuff like "congrats" or "I'm so happy for you" and even "glad you're on the team" and I don't understand why those two boys weren't happy.

No one pov

You start practice by stretching. Then get into teams so you and the team can play a scrimmage game. You were up to serve and saw the nervousness on Noya and Tanaka's faces from across the gym. They knew what a great server you were and they always dread the time of the game where you serve. Noya can receive your serves but barely and Tanaka never could receive you serves EVER. You throw the ball high I the air and jump for it. You jump so high it shocked everyone. In less than a second the ball hit the ground. It hit the ground so hard you could hear that smack of the ball hitting the floor for miles. It went so fast Tsuki couldn't even see in time to stop it. The ball hit the floor before you did and before anyone could move. After a few moments of silence which felt like an eternity Tanaka broke the silence screaming "THAT'S MY SISTER" and Noya shouting " THAT'S MY FRIEND" at the same time. Hinata was adorable jumping up and down "THAT WAS AWESOME" he basically screamed in your face. Tsukishima was passed at himself for not blocking the ball and Kageyama was shocked. "I mean I'm not complaining. His scowl is the only expression I ever see on his face." you think to yourself. After practice the test scores of Tanaka, Noya, Kageyama, and Hinata were checked. Tanaka and Noya surprisingly passed but Kageyama and Hinata did not. You were kinda sad when you heard the news. They were not gonna play in Tokoyo. You and your brother walked all the way home and went to bed as soon as you two finished eating. Before you went to bed Tanaka had to talk to Saeko. You didn't know why, nor did you care. You got into bed and stare at the ceiling thinking "I'm going to Tokyo."

Hello there.
This took longer than expected to write.
I do not have an exact date for when the next chapter comes out.
Hope you enjoyed and if I need to fix anything please tell me.

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