Chapter 5

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No one pov

You were in the middle of a match and suddenly the doors bust open. Everyone stopped and stared at the two people standing in the doorway of the gymnasium. "Shoyo?" Said the cat boy and setter of the Nekoma team. "Hey Kenma!" Yelled Hinata.

Kageyama pov(before the match)

Me and Hinata were in the teachers classroom doing our work to makeup for our failing grades. "It's time" I said to Hinata in a monotone voice and give the teacher my work. Hinata finishes not a second later as I run out of the classroom. "WAIT UP KAGEYAMA" he yells to me and from down the hall we here "Goodluck at the practice match boys" from our teacher and soon enough we are outside and a car pulls up. The window is rolled down and we see a blonde girl with a black tank top and a lollipop in her mouth. "Get in boys" she says and unlocks the car. We hop in and buckle up and we are off to Tokoyo. I ended up falling asleep for a little while which I needed because I had to get up so early just to retake a test that we only failed by 2 points. I woke up to Hinata talking to the girl driving and her name was Saeko which matched the way she drove. She was Tanaka and Y/n's older sister. Tanaka has a lot of sisters. I pulled a rice ball out of my bag a started eating it. When we finally arrived we burst through the door and everyone just stopped and stared. Even Y/n was looking at us. I don't know why I cared so much but I did. The way she looked at me gave me a weird feeling.

Y/n pov(present)

Everyone stopped and stared. I looked at the door and saw Kageyama looking at me but I just looked back at him. I couldn't look away, his face ridden of his scowl and it was more calm. We looked into eachothers eyes for what felt like an eternity before the coach called the two boys over. They had a talk but got changed immediately and were ready to play. We won a few matches and lost a few too. My least favorite part was when we had to do those things when you slide around the gym in receiving position (I don't know what they're called). Then the day was over and I w a s just about to clean up when a manager asked me to go with her to take a shower. I had to take a shower before dinner and before the boys did so I got the shower to myself tonight, or so I thought...turns out the other managers showered too but atleast everyone in there were girls so it wasn't a big deal. I showered and put on my pajama which were a T-shirt and shorts with a hoodie over it. I wore it just for dinner though. The managers were staying at the school and had there own room on the other side of the school. Tanaka was happy it was away from other guys "no one flirts with MY sister" he told me. I walked into the dining hall and sat with my team and we ate. I have to say Kiyoko is a great cook. I enjoyed her food and when I was heading off to sleep Tanaka and Noya followed me there to "make sure I didn't sneak off with any boys" or whatever. Tanaka is way to overprotective and you really wouldn't expect that. Especially because I tease him so much. We are siblings it's what we do, we make fun of eachother. I call him balled and he says I am really short. There's more but that is mostly what we make fun of eachother for. We love eachother though. I ended up sneaking out of the room because Tanaka told me I couldn't and I'm stubborn like that. I just took a walk because I wasn't ready for bed. I was walking outside for fresh air and ran into Kageyama and Tsuki. They were walking together for some reason. "Hey guys" I said but Tsukishima didn't say anything and Kageyama just waved. "What are you two passed off about?" you ask. "I'm not passed off about anything" Kageyama says. Oh yeah I forgot he always looks like that...oops. "Tsuki is passed off because we made a bet and he lost". "Oh, what was the bet?" You asked nicely. Tsuki cut Kageyama off as he was trying to tell me "it's none of your business Y/n" he said with a pissed off look. "Nevermind then" I say and walk off towards the girls room. I felt eyes on me as I walked away but I ignored it. I got back and the girls were just talking. I was curious so I asked "what are you girls talking about" and I regret asking. "Oh we were talking about-" she was cut off by another girl "Do you find any of the guys cute" she asked. Her eyes staring into my eyes. I thought she was starting into my soul. "Oh-um" I was stuttering and very surprised she would ask that question. "Well?" She asked again. "Don't pressure her" a different girl said. "Sorry about her, she is normally like this". "Oh it's ok" I say reassuringly. "I'm Y/n Tanaka" I said with a smile. "My name is Eri Myanoshita the manager of Ubugawa high, nice to meet you." She say with a wave. The first girl said her name is "Yuki Shirofuku a manager at Fukurodani Academy and the girl that interrupted me, her name is Kaori Suzumeda the other Fukurodani manager". She was very nice. There was another girl who didn't talk much. I imagine she's shy. She didn't say much but that's ok. Yoi got into bed and drifted off to sleep.

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