The Fall Of My Family

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Izuku packed all of his things and started to head to the lobby of the hotel to get a cab to the airport so he can get the first flight to Japan, but before he could leave he stopped by some stores to get a souvenir for his mother, while he was shopping he noticed that everyone was talking about the hero being killed while having dinner with his family but Izuku didn't pay attention to that instead he had one go and that was to find a perfect gift his foster mother, after looking for the perfect gift for souvenir for his foster  mother he finally found it and it was a silver heart-shaped necklace, as he purchased the gift he went back into the cab and had a straight towards airport, as Izuku was waiting to board his flight he noticed to detectives heading his way so he quickly left the line at headed straight to the restroom and hid in one of the stalls, as he was in there hiding there he heard footsteps heading to install, suddenly those steps stopped in front of the stall that Izuku was hiding in.

~First Detective~

"Excuse me we want to ask you some questions if you don't mind."

Izuku doesn't say anything to the detective that spoke to him, they then begin to bang on the stall door.

~Second Detective~

"Open the damn door we just need you answer some questions we have for you boy."

The two detectives then get unpatient from waiting for Izuku's response, so they kicked the door down and see that Izuku is not there, suddenly the first detective gets kicked in the head, the second detective change around and see Izuku standing behind him with a punch ready to land in his face, Izuku punches the detective straight at the nose which breaks on impact, the first detective that Izuku kicked to the ground gets back on his feet and tries to land a punch on Izuku but misses by a  inch, Izuku then grabs the first detective and slams his head on the bathroom sink which knocks him out permanently, but suddenly Izuku hear's a gun click he turns around and sees the second Detective pointing a gun at him.

~Second Detective~

"You son of bitch you going to pay for that, now put your hands up or else I'll shoot."

Izuku listen to detective and raises his hands up to avoid getting shot, the second detective then started to head right towards Izuku with handcuffs ready to arrest him, personally while the second detective put his gun away to put the handcuffs on Izuku's wrist he is then kicked in the groin by Izuku, as the second detective falls to his knees Izuku then on holsters the detective's gun and points at his head.

~Second detector~

"Even if you kill me you still won't get away from this."


"I know."

Izuku then pistol whips the detective and knocks him out, with both of those detectors Izuku dragged both of them into a bathroom saw and handcuffed both of them to a pipe that was sticking out of the toilet, as Izuku left the bathroom it was already time for his plane to take off so he grabbed his bag and boarded his plane.

~Tokyo's airport~

As Izuku's plane landed at Tokyo's airport he then begins to get off his flight with all the other passengers, but as he was walking through the airport he noticed something shocking on the TVs at the airport.

~NEWS reporter~

"This afternoon all of the Suzuki family were arrested, the whole family was secretly Yakuza that were hiding behind a family business that was being led by Aikhito Suzuki and his wife Yua Suzuki."

Hearing that Izuku's family that adopted him are now all arrested and face serious charges, Izuku felt the same pain that he felt towards his real mom's passing, and he knew right there right now that he didn't have a family anymore he can go back to.

~To be continued~

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