~Chapter 27~

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You sat with your face buried into your knees, choking tears trailing your face as you fought to get some oxygen between sobs. The back of your head throbbed as though a hammer were trying to flatten your skull completely.

When you opened your eyes the world spun so much you felt sick.

When you opened your mouth all you could do was scream.

When you covered your ears a mess of tumbling thoughts and fear cluttered your mind.

And when you tried to remember anything, you couldn't.

A pit in your stomach made you feel hollow, as though you knew something bad had happened, or you'd done something bad, but you couldn't remember anything...

Not even your name.

All you could feel was panic, fear, and rage beyond your own comprehension.

Through the shrowd of consuming confusion and fear, you felt a hand lay against your shoulder. You whipped around so violently all you could register was the crazy force that you used to fling the intruder away. A deep cut appeared across your back and you screamed, more tears and sobs filling you with dread.

"Who am I?! What is happening to me?!"

You held your own arms as you screamed. It was okay to cry right? To cry and scream? It was okay to panic in a time like this, when invisible people are hurting you and you can't even catch your breath.

You opened your eyes, brimmed with tears that clouded your vision almost completely, but through the mist you saw a face. A familiar face, human and completely frozen with fright. She held a sword in a trembling grasp, and that rage reemerged. She had hurt me. She must have.

"Ýøų ķįłľəd hįm¡"

Those words overwhelmed your thoughts and body with sudden clarity. Your body felt your own. You were straddling the struggling girl as a metal person knocked you away. Before you even regained your composure, a spear pierced you and two people held you down with their entire weight. You thrashed around as they shouted to each other, incoherent syllables meaning nothing to you.

They're hurting you! They hurt... someone...

You screeched with every ounce of emotion you could summon. The release of such a shrill, painful howl was just enough to shake away from your captors. The anguished cry rolled from your tongue with sudden force, throwing them aside.

You collapsed to your knees, trembling and panicked. You needed to be alone, somewhere quiet and safe. People kept hurting you, but why? What had you done to deserve such awful treatment? Wouldn't you remember if you'd earned such a gruesome fate?

Ebony wings extended from behind you as your sobs continued, frightened and confused. You lifted your face, only thinking of a safe place away from all of this chaos. Seeing the large, bright glass window, your wings pumped powerfully, launching you upward. You fell from the apex of your flight planting your feet on the wall as though time had stopped. You looked at the window and bent your knees, wings tensing behind you before snapping at your will. You crashed through the grand glass fixture, leaving behind the frantic shouts and terrifying buzz of the magic attack poised to send you to hell.

Beneath you stretched a broad city under a glittering stalagmite ceiling. At the base of your cave prison was an undulating sea of misshapen creatures, roaring and rearing back as shard of glass rained down over them.

Evil! Cruel and vile, they'll hurt me too!

"Stop!" You sobbed, covering your eyes and hiding from the crowds shouting and screams. They kept screaming and pointing and screaming and it was just so LOUD. You screamed in return, a wave of pressure consuming you as you curled into yourself.

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